[Comm2011] FF - gain

Ewout M. Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Thu Apr 14 09:44:54 CEST 2011

Yes I was wrong in stating the exposure level didn't change. I think I
looked at u' band images for CCD 65 for that. The CCDs in the corners of
the mosaic, in u' do not show much of a gain change, but in the centers
and for all CCDs in the z' filter the change is clear.


On 04/14/2011 09:22 AM, Konrad Kuijken wrote:
>> - when comparing similar exposures with different electronic filter
>> settings in fact 31 out of 32 chips show signal changes corresponding to
>> gain change deduced from the "gain recipe". So it seems gain recipe
>> works well, and there is indeed a different effective gain for different
>> filter settings.
> Hi Edwin,
> THe fact that the gain recipe gives different results for different 
> filter settings does NOT necessarily mean the gain changed. The recipe 
> assumed that the filter does not have any smoothing effect but this 
> may be wrong. So photometric tests of the gain are very important.
> Can we do this test quickly?
> Koen
>> All this will be further investigated coming days.
>> its amazing we can already do all those things!!
>> When involving astrometry, which we can , we can even have a look at
>> gain changes over the fov and  and make fisrt guess of illumination
>> correction. Will be done coming days.
>> Edwin
>> -- 
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Prof. Dr. Edwin A. Valentijn       University of Groningen
>> Coordinator Target                 www   : www.rug.nl/target 
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>> Head OmegaCEN                      www   : www.astro.rug.nl/omegacen 
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>> The Netherlands                    www   : www.astro.rug.nl/~valentyn 
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