[Comm2011] Error bar for extinction / Fast anisotropy

Ewout M. Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Tue Aug 9 08:54:09 CEST 2011

Hi Steffen,

- Error bars are probably difficult. I have to look closer if this is 
possible, but it is likely the data required to calculate errors is lost 
early on in the data structure.
- I have partly implemented (in reverse) this notion. I.e. if you run 
astro/filerecipes/Monitoring.py directly there is a switch '-i' which 
will open the plot as you suggest. I can implement as you suggest, and 
for the OCAM_monitoring script, though.

- About the PSF anisotropy, well it seems to me the plots are really 
only useful when you display the results for all CCDs. The script has 
proved very useful during commissioning, but afterwards I don't think it 
makes much sense. For real-time checks on the PSF it is probably easier 
to use Ctrl-P ("Pick an object") on the RTD (skycat).


On 08/09/2011 07:19 AM, Steffen Mieske wrote:
> Hi John and Ewout,
> I enjoy working with your 3 tools. I would have two minor requests for 
> the extinction tool
> - would it be possible to have error bars for the data points on the 
> extinction monitoring output plot
> - it would be nice if the script would automatically open the plot.
> On a related note,  Gerd and I made a small addition to the 
> OCAM_psf_anisotropy script:
> Lines 53-56 in OCAM_psf_anisotropy
>   if extensions == ['f']:
>       self.extensions = ['1','20','32','13','25','12','21','8']
>    else:
>       self.extensions = extensions
> So you would call it "OCAM_psf_anisotropy image.fits -e f" to get some 
> default sub-set of chips. 'f' for 'f'ast
> Cheers,
> Steffen
> On 08/09/11 00:16, Steffen Mieske wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> the reason for the strange exposure times was a 1 day 'glitch' in the 
>> FIERA software, which occured presumably due to a non 100% clean 
>> installation of a new FIERA software version. In particular, it is 
>> due to a wrong sign in the time recorded for the Shutter 
>> Opening/Closing. As a matter of fact, you will notice that all images 
>> taken between roughly 20:00 UT on August 2 and 3 have the exposure 
>> times wrong by +-0.804 s, which is the time of the shutter motion.
>> As of August 4 the situation is stable, due to a clean restart of the 
>> software.
>> Regarding the lamp switch off: this would up to today have happened 
>> every time that the lamp is in operation for more than one hour. 
>> There is an automatic time-out of 1hr, which is only reset when the 
>> lamp is switched on for the first time, but not if you take a 
>> sequence of flat images. Having said this, in normal daytime 
>> calibrations it should not have occured anyway, since the automatic 
>> calibrations would do a 1.5hr dark before the gain. It may be that 
>> the calibration OB was edited by hand on that day, omiting the darks, 
>> and resulting in a very long sequence of dome flats + gain, > 1h.
>> Andrea has increased the timeout to 3 hrs, so I think we are fine.
>> Cheers,
>> Steffen
>> On 08/08/11 18:23, John P. McFarland wrote:
>>> Hi Steffen,
>>> The keyword treatment can wait unless the ingest problems can't be 
>>> fixed (highly unlikely that they can't).
>>> The integration times for 3 out of the last 5 gain templates have 
>>> those exact time sequences.  The exceptions are on the 3rd of August 
>>> as Ewout reported and the one for 1st July where the times look 
>>> good, just much longer (1-60 seconds).
>>> Cheers,
>>> -=John
>>> On Mon, 8 Aug 2011, Steffen Mieske wrote:
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> Andrea implemented the default lamp keyword, as I had written to 
>>>> you. We can discuss again the issue of the individual lamp keywords 
>>>> with Andrea, at the time we agreed that this was low priority 
>>>> during OCAM3 since it is not lacking information as such. The 
>>>> permanent inclusion of this keywords with values either T/F is 
>>>> something I can also ask Paranal Software to implement after OCAM3, 
>>>> so no need for Andrea to do this now.
>>>> The gain template issue is reaaaally strange, I will include it 
>>>> again in tomorrow's calibration.
>>>> I first thought that the lamp switches off because there is some 
>>>> integration with EXPTIME=0 sec, some bias inbetween. But this 
>>>> should not the case according to the below content of the gain 
>>>> template that is used for the daily calibrations. Can you confirm 
>>>> that those are the integration times that you see in the normal 
>>>> case (the data from August 3 are not here anymore, so I cannot check)?
>>>> # calib template OMEGACAM_img_cal_gain
>>>> TPL.ID                   "OMEGACAM_img_cal_gain";
>>>> TPL.NAME                 "Use Dome FF to check gain";
>>>> TPL.MODE                 "FLAT";
>>>> DET1.WIN1.UIT1           "0.2 4.3 4.0 0.3 0.7 3.5 2.7 0.1 1.4 2.1 
>>>> 2.1 1.4 0.1 2.7 3.5 0.7 0.3 4.0 4.3 0.2";
>>>> SEQ.NEXPO                "20";
>>>> INS.FILT.NAME            "z_SDSS";
>>>> INS.LAMP.SET             "Default";
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Steffen
>>>> On 08/08/11 15:14, John P. McFarland wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ewout,
>>>>> I have asked Steffen to discuss with Andrea the logic of how the 
>>>>> lamp keywords are included.  If the logic is affecting the ingest 
>>>>> we need to either adapt or adjust the logic.
>>>>> Andrea and Steffen, have you come to any resolution concerning the 
>>>>> lamp keywords?  It seems to me that removal of the keywords is a 
>>>>> poor way to indicate the lamp is off.  I assume that is what the 
>>>>> state keyword (e.g., INS.LAMP1.ST) is meant to indicate.  Please 
>>>>> tell us of your ideas regarding this.  Thanks!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> -=John
>>>>> On Mon, 8 Aug 2011, Ewout M. Helmich wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Bernard,
>>>>>> It looks like all the gain templates for OCAM3 taken up to this 
>>>>>> point
>>>>>> are wrong. After about 10 minutes, in the middle of the gain 
>>>>>> template,
>>>>>> the lamp appears to shut down. Lamp header items then disappear, 
>>>>>> which
>>>>>> resulted in errors during ingest here (note to Danny).
>>>>>> Also, the first gain template taken during OCAM3 has strange 
>>>>>> exposure
>>>>>> times (see below). The exposure times for the 2nd and 3rd 
>>>>>> template are ok.
>>>>>> Ewout
>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>>>> # Filename, template.start, template.type, EXPTIME
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:22:00.734.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN -0.704
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:30:39.989.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN -0.604
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:19:06.032.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN -0.504
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:27:45.437.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN -0.104
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:24:54.515.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 0.596
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:25:37.206.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 0.904
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:16:51.761.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 1.004
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:28:30.448.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 1.104
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:23:28.225.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 1.296
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:19:50.152.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 1.504
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:26:17.436.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 1.896
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:22:41.584.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 2.204
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:20:30.803.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 2.696
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:24:11.945.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 2.904
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:29:11.268.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 3.196
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:17:32.721.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 3.496
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:21:14.223.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 3.504
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:27:01.517.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 4.304
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:18:20.842.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 4.804
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:29:55.428.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN 5.104
>>>>>> awe> q = (RawFitsData.template.start ==
>>>>>> dateutil.parser.parse('2011-08-05 15:17:32'))
>>>>>> awe> for f in q.order_by('DATE_OBS'): print f.filename,
>>>>>> len(RawDomeFlatFrame.raw_fits_data == f)
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:19:26.683.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:20:10.644.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:20:55.594.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:21:41.954.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:22:41.965.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:23:23.495.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:24:07.366.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:24:50.316.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:25:34.247.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:26:15.407.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:27:00.868.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:27:42.958.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:28:26.899.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:29:10.329.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:29:52.919.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:30:40.200.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:31:23.560.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:32:03.781.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:32:47.751.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:33:34.692.fits 0
>>>>>> awe> q = (RawFitsData.template.start ==
>>>>>> dateutil.parser.parse('2011-08-05 13:38:18'))
>>>>>> awe> len(q)
>>>>>> 20
>>>>>> awe> for f in q.order_by('DATE_OBS'): print f.filename,
>>>>>> len(RawDomeFlatFrame.raw_fits_data == f)
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:40:12.904.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:40:56.774.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:41:41.684.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:42:25.385.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:43:05.425.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:43:45.766.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:44:28.766.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:45:11.576.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:45:51.587.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:46:36.537.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:47:18.658.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:48:03.278.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:48:44.649.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:49:24.999.fits 32
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:50:10.539.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:50:56.480.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:51:41.590.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:52:25.761.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:53:12.371.fits 0
>>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:53:59.232.fits 0
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Dr. Steffen Mieske
>>>> European Southern Observatory
>>>> Alonso de Cordova 3107
>>>> Vitacura, Santiago
>>>> CHILE
>>>> Tel.: +56 2 463 3118
>>>> Fax: +56 2 463 3001

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