[Comm2011] Dome lamp shutting off after 10 minutes during Gain?

Ewout M. Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Wed Aug 10 11:18:58 CEST 2011

Hi Steffen,

Just to confirm: the 2 gain sequences where the lamp shut off are after 
a long sequence of dome flats in u, g, r, i, z and composite, with no 
dark in between. Indeed, the 1 hr. mark is in the middle of both gain 


On 08/09/2011 06:16 AM, Steffen Mieske wrote:
> Hi John,
> the reason for the strange exposure times was a 1 day 'glitch' in the 
> FIERA software, which occured presumably due to a non 100% clean 
> installation of a new FIERA software version. In particular, it is due 
> to a wrong sign in the time recorded for the Shutter Opening/Closing. 
> As a matter of fact, you will notice that all images taken between 
> roughly 20:00 UT on August 2 and 3 have the exposure times wrong by 
> +-0.804 s, which is the time of the shutter motion.
> As of August 4 the situation is stable, due to a clean restart of the 
> software.
> Regarding the lamp switch off: this would up to today have happened 
> every time that the lamp is in operation for more than one hour. There 
> is an automatic time-out of 1hr, which is only reset when the lamp is 
> switched on for the first time, but not if you take a sequence of flat 
> images. Having said this, in normal daytime calibrations it should not 
> have occured anyway, since the automatic calibrations would do a 1.5hr 
> dark before the gain. It may be that the calibration OB was edited by 
> hand on that day, omiting the darks, and resulting in a very long 
> sequence of dome flats + gain, > 1h.
> Andrea has increased the timeout to 3 hrs, so I think we are fine.
> Cheers,
> Steffen
> On 08/08/11 18:23, John P. McFarland wrote:
>> Hi Steffen,
>> The keyword treatment can wait unless the ingest problems can't be 
>> fixed (highly unlikely that they can't).
>> The integration times for 3 out of the last 5 gain templates have 
>> those exact time sequences.  The exceptions are on the 3rd of August 
>> as Ewout reported and the one for 1st July where the times look good, 
>> just much longer (1-60 seconds).
>> Cheers,
>> -=John
>> On Mon, 8 Aug 2011, Steffen Mieske wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> Andrea implemented the default lamp keyword, as I had written to 
>>> you. We can discuss again the issue of the individual lamp keywords 
>>> with Andrea, at the time we agreed that this was low priority during 
>>> OCAM3 since it is not lacking information as such. The permanent 
>>> inclusion of this keywords with values either T/F is something I can 
>>> also ask Paranal Software to implement after OCAM3, so no need for 
>>> Andrea to do this now.
>>> The gain template issue is reaaaally strange, I will include it 
>>> again in tomorrow's calibration.
>>> I first thought that the lamp switches off because there is some 
>>> integration with EXPTIME=0 sec, some bias inbetween. But this should 
>>> not the case according to the below content of the gain template 
>>> that is used for the daily calibrations. Can you confirm that those 
>>> are the integration times that you see in the normal case (the data 
>>> from August 3 are not here anymore, so I cannot check)?
>>> # calib template OMEGACAM_img_cal_gain
>>> TPL.ID                   "OMEGACAM_img_cal_gain";
>>> TPL.NAME                 "Use Dome FF to check gain";
>>> TPL.MODE                 "FLAT";
>>> DET1.WIN1.UIT1           "0.2 4.3 4.0 0.3 0.7 3.5 2.7 0.1 1.4 2.1 
>>> 2.1 1.4 0.1 2.7 3.5 0.7 0.3 4.0 4.3 0.2";
>>> SEQ.NEXPO                "20";
>>> INS.FILT.NAME            "z_SDSS";
>>> INS.LAMP.SET             "Default";
>>> Cheers,
>>> Steffen
>>> On 08/08/11 15:14, John P. McFarland wrote:
>>>> Hi Ewout,
>>>> I have asked Steffen to discuss with Andrea the logic of how the 
>>>> lamp keywords are included.  If the logic is affecting the ingest 
>>>> we need to either adapt or adjust the logic.
>>>> Andrea and Steffen, have you come to any resolution concerning the 
>>>> lamp keywords?  It seems to me that removal of the keywords is a 
>>>> poor way to indicate the lamp is off.  I assume that is what the 
>>>> state keyword (e.g., INS.LAMP1.ST) is meant to indicate.  Please 
>>>> tell us of your ideas regarding this.  Thanks!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> -=John
>>>> On Mon, 8 Aug 2011, Ewout M. Helmich wrote:
>>>>> Hi Bernard,
>>>>> It looks like all the gain templates for OCAM3 taken up to this point
>>>>> are wrong. After about 10 minutes, in the middle of the gain 
>>>>> template,
>>>>> the lamp appears to shut down. Lamp header items then disappear, 
>>>>> which
>>>>> resulted in errors during ingest here (note to Danny).
>>>>> Also, the first gain template taken during OCAM3 has strange exposure
>>>>> times (see below). The exposure times for the 2nd and 3rd template 
>>>>> are ok.
>>>>> Ewout
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> # Filename, template.start, template.type, EXPTIME
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:22:00.734.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN -0.704
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:30:39.989.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN -0.604
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:19:06.032.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN -0.504
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:27:45.437.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> FLAT,DOME,DETGAIN -0.104
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:24:54.515.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:25:37.206.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:16:51.761.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:28:30.448.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:23:28.225.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:19:50.152.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:26:17.436.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:22:41.584.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:20:30.803.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:24:11.945.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:29:11.268.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:17:32.721.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:21:14.223.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:27:01.517.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:18:20.842.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-03T13:29:55.428.fits 2011-08-03 13:12:39
>>>>> awe> q = (RawFitsData.template.start ==
>>>>> dateutil.parser.parse('2011-08-05 15:17:32'))
>>>>> awe> for f in q.order_by('DATE_OBS'): print f.filename,
>>>>> len(RawDomeFlatFrame.raw_fits_data == f)
>>>>> ...
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:19:26.683.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:20:10.644.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:20:55.594.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:21:41.954.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:22:41.965.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:23:23.495.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:24:07.366.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:24:50.316.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:25:34.247.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:26:15.407.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:27:00.868.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:27:42.958.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:28:26.899.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:29:10.329.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:29:52.919.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:30:40.200.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:31:23.560.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:32:03.781.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:32:47.751.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T15:33:34.692.fits 0
>>>>> awe> q = (RawFitsData.template.start ==
>>>>> dateutil.parser.parse('2011-08-05 13:38:18'))
>>>>> awe> len(q)
>>>>> 20
>>>>> awe> for f in q.order_by('DATE_OBS'): print f.filename,
>>>>> len(RawDomeFlatFrame.raw_fits_data == f)
>>>>> ...
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:40:12.904.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:40:56.774.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:41:41.684.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:42:25.385.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:43:05.425.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:43:45.766.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:44:28.766.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:45:11.576.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:45:51.587.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:46:36.537.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:47:18.658.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:48:03.278.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:48:44.649.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:49:24.999.fits 32
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:50:10.539.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:50:56.480.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:51:41.590.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:52:25.761.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:53:12.371.fits 0
>>>>> OMEGACAM.2011-08-05T13:53:59.232.fits 0
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>>> -- 
>>> Dr. Steffen Mieske
>>> European Southern Observatory
>>> Alonso de Cordova 3107
>>> Vitacura, Santiago
>>> Tel.: +56 2 463 3118
>>> Fax: +56 2 463 3001

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