[Comm2011] Fwd: shimming news

Edwin A. Valentyn valentyn at astro.rug.nl
Wed Jul 27 15:16:51 CEST 2011


On 27-7-2011 2:10, Konrad Kuijken wrote:
> Dear all:
> some good news from Paranal!
> I am analysing the latest set of focus runs, but meanwhile the fwhm 
> variation in these very good seeing images look very, very small.
> K
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Pietro Schipani <pietro.schipani at oacn.inaf.it>
>> Date: July 27, 2011 12:54:27 GMT+02:00
>> To: Konrad Kuijken <kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl>,  Lothar Noethe 
>> <lnoethe at eso.org>, Dietrich Baade <dbaade at eso.org>, Ueli Weilenmann 
>> <uweilenm at eso.org>,  Ricardo Parra <rparra at eso.org>, Octavio Lavin 
>> <olavin at eso.org>, nhaddad at eso.org,  Muschielok Bernard 
>> <mbernard at usm.lmu.de>, Andrea Baruffolo 
>> <Andrea.Baruffolo at oapd.inaf.it>,  Thomas Szeifert <tszeifer at eso.org>, 
>> Steffen Mieske <smieske at eso.org>
>> Cc: Massimo Capaccioli <mc at na.infn.it>,  Javier Argomedo 
>> <argomedo at arcetri.astro.it>, Jacopo Farinato 
>> <jacopo.farinato at oapd.inaf.it>,  Gabriele Umbriaco 
>> <gabriele.umbriaco at unipd.it>, Massimo Dall'Ora 
>> <massimo.dallora at live.it>,  Sergio D'Orsi <dorsis at oacn.inaf.it>, 
>> Laurent Marty <laurent at oacn.inaf.it>,  Carmelo Arcidiacono 
>> <carmelo at arcetri.astro.it>, Roberto Ragazzoni 
>> <roberto.ragazzoni at oapd.inaf.it>,  Demetrio Magrin 
>> <demetrio.magrin at oapd.inaf.it>
>> Subject: shimming news
>> Dear all,
>> please find attached something you will probably appreciate.
>> The PSF anisotropies tonight were "flat" on the whole field, with 
>> ellipticities of about 10% and a symmetric pattern which in some 
>> cases well recalls the theoretical pattern described by Lothar in his 
>> analysis. The FWHM  have been always well below the DIMM value 
>> (included in the title of the figures). The depth of focus in terms 
>> of M2 positions measured by the focuser scripts is roughly about 
>> 20-30 microns, i.e. more or less as expected from theory. The results 
>> of new tilt measurements with both Konrad's method and the 
>> Shack-Hartmann are as usual in agreement and say the effect was 
>> reduced to negligible values.
>> We have just 1 night data, but now we know that, provided the AO 
>> correction is good and the defocus is well controlled in the middle 
>> of the mosaic, the images can be good in the whole 1 deg ^2. 
>> Therefore we can say it was worth to do the shimming. It has been 
>> really a very hard and delicate job, involving many people for many 
>> days and nights. I have to thank all my colleagues, the ESO team who 
>> gave a massive help and produced the shims, the OmegaCAM team who 
>> supported the operations.
>> Certainly I missed somebody in the list, sorry but it's time to sleep...
>> See you soon,
>> Pietro
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Prof. Dr. Edwin A. Valentijn       University of Groningen
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