[Comm2011] OCM2 daily log DAY 1

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Tue Jun 7 13:14:08 CEST 2011

Hi All,

The night started with an unopened telescope and a broken shutter (PULPO 
error) which gave way to a FIERA synchronization problem that was finally 
fixed around 21:00.  Through all this, the seeing was quite poor: >2 arcsec, 
generally.  In addition, the windy conditions caused a pointing restriction 
(to the North, of course) that lasted through the night like the poor seeing 
(which peaked at 4.8 arcsec).  The monitoring template was run on the polar 
field many times throughout the night, ending in a stare,N=2 photometric 
linearity test.  The 32 chip offset values were updated closer to the focal 
plane geometry.  Tests near the zenith and pole show that the performance is 
quite good at low celestial altitudes (~<10 arcsec difference between chips) 
and poor near the pole due to the coordinate system, but not as poor as 
expected.  At the equator, the chip-to-chip matching should be as good as 
necessary for the secondary standards/illumination correction tasks.  The 
night was finished by starting a set of daily and weekly detector checks 
and calibrations as gathered from the OB database by a script of Stefan's. 
This automated script was demoed and appears to follow our schema well.


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