[Comm2011] OCAM2 daily log day 4

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Fri Jun 10 12:29:33 CEST 2011

Hi All,

Tonight we managed to get sky flats in g and r.  Following the guiding 
testing where VST responded well to the corrections, a monitoring template 
was taken with the ADC out and then in, checking the focus in between. 
Following this, the linearity test was started.  The night was initially 
photometric, but very light clouds were visible during at least part of the 
linearity exposures.  Also, the long (800 second) exposures show the effect 
of significant tracking errors.  Please check if these are still useful. 
If not, we can use 10, 100, 200, and 400 second exposures for the linearity 
instead.  Following these observations, there was only enough time for one 
32 CCDs exposure with the ADC in.


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