[Comm2011] OCAM2 daily log day 7

Gijs Verdoes Kleijn verdoes at astro.rug.nl
Mon Jun 13 22:15:18 CEST 2011

 Dear all,
 Night 7 was a photometric night throughout. 
 We observed:
 -domeflat in g at 4 rotator angles
 - SA107 and SA113 on 32  CCDs 
 -Flux linearity observationschecks  

 -daily routine observations  

 -test observations for guiding/active optics.   

 Improved astrometry is recorded to headers approx since UT
2011-06-12T22:00. Suspicion is that until then recorded coordinates
were in equinox of date obs instead of equinox J2000.   

 Progress was made with the active optics/autoguiding.  

 A first version of the standard catalog for the polar field was
created: stored in COMM2011:
 awe>refcat=PhotRefCatalog.get(fileNameRefcat=='cal569E_polar.cat') ,

 The rapid ingestion of data in Astro-WISE allows db-based analysis
on Paranal close enough to real-time. Improves analysis efficiency
significantly. Thanks Danny, and keep up the good work!  
 Best wishes, John and Gijs 
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