[Comm2011] OCAM2 daily log day 9

Jeffrey Bout bout at astro.rug.nl
Wed Jun 15 13:53:43 CEST 2011

Still no Hercules :-(
And... already eager to shoot down the moon? Let's obscure it in some
way the following night ;-)

2011/6/15 Gijs Verdoes Kleijn <verdoes at astro.rug.nl>:
> Dear all,
> Night 9 was a photometric night throughout with varying seeing between
> 0.7''-1.5''.
> We observed:
> - polar field (varied exptimes in ugri) and SA113 z on 32  CCDs.
> -daily routine observations
> -test observations for guiding/active optics: simultaneous closed loops on
> M1, M2 and guiding were achieved around midnight!
> -the finish was Jupiter in u
> Best wishes, John and Gijs
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