[Comm2011] Fwd: SkyMap; M17 and Omega Centauri

Jeffrey Bout bout at astro.rug.nl
Sun Jun 19 20:39:19 CEST 2011

Ik wil alleen de pret niet drukken, maar zoiets stond al op
onder zoomable

2011/6/19 Willem-Jan Vriend <wjvriend at astro.rug.nl>:
> I've put the press release images of M17 and Omega Centauri in a Google maps/sky like interface, See
>     http://skymap.test.astro-wise.org/aw01/users/rgbmaker/omegacam/omega_centauri/omega_centauri.html
> and
>     http://skymap.test.astro-wise.org/aw01/users/rgbmaker/omegacam/m17/m17.html
> The maps have 6 zoom levels, consist of 5460 images and use 1.3 GB of disk space.
> Best regards,
> Willem-Jan.
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