[Comm2011] Daily reports and OBJECTS

helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Thu Mar 31 03:54:04 CEST 2011

Hi John,

1) OBJECT keyword. Stupid as it may seem, we probably won't have this for
some time. There is no OBJECT in the science templates themselves. Setting
the OBJECT is part of the acquisition template, which will only be used
once autoguiding using the OmegaCAM AG CCDs is set up (not yet). Instead
some other little detector that is part of the telescope is used.

2) Astrometry keywords. Thomas says that he knows of a document where
requirements are defined as to what must be in the headers. He'll dig this
up and pass it to Andrea, who will insert what's needed. I don't think we
need worry about this for the moment.


On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 17:18:07 +0200 (CEST), "John P. McFarland"
<mcfarland at astro.rug.nl> wrote:
> Hi Ewout,
> In organizing ourselves, we forgot one of the most basic steps: regular
> communication over daily happenings.  Could you take a few minutes each
> day
> to e-mail us a brief run-down of the day's activities and of the general
> conditions (e.g., your general schedule (working in the day or the
> main tasks, templates run, weather, general atmosphere, etc.)?  This
> includes the previous days of OCM1A for archive purposes.  We understand
> that everybody is likely very busy, but this report should only take a
> minutes each day.  If it take significantly longer, it's too much detail.
> Thanks for you efforts here.
> Also, we noticed some basic header information is missing, most notably,
> proper OBJECT descriptor for science templates.  Please let us know what
> the
> idea for this is there (Is there no facility to update this information?
> Is it stored in a non-standard keyword? etc.)
> Lastly, for my own interest, what is the progress of the astrometry
> keywords
> in the headers.
> Thanks for all the good work!
> Cheers,
> -=John

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