[Comm2011] commissioning log day 10

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Mon May 9 12:11:07 CEST 2011

Dear All,

Attached is the nearly complete log from our last observing night.  There 
may be some amendments/additions to the final entries.

Yesterday, another full suite of dome calibrations was taken. 
Unfortunately, we could not open for much needed evening twilights in B and 
V due to clouds.  The morning twilight is our last opportunity.  Andrea 
worked with two newly arrived VST people on the image analysis and ADC. 
The ADC was successfully used for the first time tonight on the polar field 
in the key bands and the key band composite filter.  More deeper u-band 
exposures were taken along with more of the Hercules cluster.  There were 
again some issues with M1 losing form during some of these exposures.  Also 
we found some serendipitous reflections and took photometric calibration 
data for all 32 chips with the same field on each chip.


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