[Comm2011] FIERA filtering/preamp gain settings

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Wed May 18 12:30:01 CEST 2011

Hi All,

Here is my understanding of the changes to the detectors (subject to 
updates from Ewout, if necessary).

local date             setting
-------------   --------------------------------------------------------
27 apr ~19:00   FIERA filtering set from 1 to 0 and back to 1 for
                 characterization of OCM1A/ILT levels
27 apr  22:00   FIERA filtering set to 0, preamp gain boosted
01 may ~18:00   video board for CCDs 85-88 modified to allow
                 intermediate FIERA filtering settings (between 0 and 1)
03 may  ??:??   filtering of CCDs 85-88 set back to 0, video board still
04 may  ??:??   video board for CCDs 85-88 returned to nearly same
                 condition (new capacitors of slightly different level)
05 may  16:00   video board for CCDs 85-88 had original capacitors
                 reattached, video board for CCDs 89-92 replaced

There may be one other change not long before the final change.  It may have 
simply been the new video board in the last entry, it may have been 
something else similar.



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