[Comm2011] OCAM1B review-intro

Edwin A. Valentyn valentyn at astro.rug.nl
Sun May 29 23:50:56 CEST 2011

Dear all,

please find enclosed my first attempt to write an intro for the doc we 
have to deliver Wednesday.
In fact, I would have preferred to send only this, but we can pepper in 
some of our findings in the rest of Ewouts skeleton text.

Prof. Dr. Edwin A. Valentijn       University of Groningen
Coordinator Target                 www   : www.rug.nl/target
Head OmegaCEN                      www   : www.astro.rug.nl/omegacen
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute     tel   : +31 (0)50 3634011/4036 (secr)
P.O.Box 800                        mobile: +31 (0)6 48276416
NL-9700 AV Groningen               e-mail: valentyn at astro.rug.nl
The Netherlands                    www   : www.astro.rug.nl/~valentyn

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