[Comm2011] Fwd: PPRS-042310-Updated-VST-OMEGACAM-Possible OCAM_monitoring script bug-Science Operations

Konrad Kuijken kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Thu Nov 24 08:20:20 CET 2011

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Paranal_AREmail <esoarspl at eso.org>
> Subject: PPRS-042310-Updated-VST-OMEGACAM-Possible OCAM_monitoring script bug-Science Operations
> Date: November 24, 2011 1:29:09 GMT+01:00
> To: kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> Reply-To: Paranal_AREmail <esoarspl at eso.org>
> Problem number PPRS-042310 in the Paranal PRS has now been updated.
> The new details of the ticket are listed below.
> This is for your information only.
> Problem Number  : PPRS-042310
> Creation Date   : 2011-10-26 21:18:56  by Fernando Selman  (fselman at eso.org)
> Type            : Problem
> Keywords        : Possible OCAM_monitoring script bug
> Priority        : Necessary
> Deadline        : 
> Status          : Open
> -----  Minor Change Section ---------------------
> -------------------------------------------------
> Location             : VST
> Area/Instrument Type : INSTRUMENTS
> System/Instrument    : OMEGACAM
> Sub-system           : SOFTWARE
> Assigned to Group    : Science Operations
> Assigned to Person   : smieske
> CC List              :
> kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> verdoes at astro.rug.nl
> uweilenm at eso.org 
> msterzik at eso.org 
> vst at eso.org
> par-vst at eso.org 
> acarlier at eso.org 
> akaufer at eso.org 
> par-tios at eso.orgVst_Omega_Notification
> Telescope Downtime   : 00:00
> Workload (hrs.)      : 0
> Detailed Description :
> We have not been able to run OCAM_monitoring on the
> polar field frames. We get the error messages below. I also
> identify the routine that is crashing and the value of a key
> variable, that because it does not have any element
> above 0 it returns an empty list. We should probably
> contact Konrad Kuijken. I am assigning this to me for the
> moment.
> PS I saw this happening in my last shift and I have the
> suspicion that is due to the low FLI.
> [wocoff] 2011-10-26T18:55:03 -  Fit results for : 2011-10-26 02:31:44.403000
> [wocoff] 2011-10-26T18:55:03 -  Shift           : 0.121218
> [wocoff] 2011-10-26T18:55:03 -  Shift error     : 0.004787
> [wocoff] 2011-10-26T18:55:03 -  Slope           : -0.000013
> [wocoff] 2011-10-26T18:55:03 -  Slope error     : 0.000001
> [wocoff] 2011-10-26T18:55:03 - ------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/home/astro/bin/OCAM_monitoring", line 87, in <module>
>    __main__()
>  File "/home/astro/bin/OCAM_monitoring", line 84, in __main__
>    monit.make()
>  File "/home/astro/bin/OCAM_monitoring", line 28, in make
>    self.run_monit_routine()
>  File "/home/astro/bin/OCAM_monitoring", line 62, in run_monit_routine
>    maker3.make_report()
>  File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/filerecipes/Monitoring.py", line 321, in make_report
>    self.report.make()
>  File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotometricSkyReport.py", line 102, in make
>    self.derive_skybackgrounds()
>  File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotometricSkyReport.py", line 119, in derive_skybackgrounds
>    record.make()
>  File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotometricSkyReport.py", line 33, in make
>    self.set_skybrightness_expected()
>  File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotometricSkyReport.py", line 55, in set_skybrightness_expected
>    self.expected = self.photskybrightness.get_skybrightness(self.lunar_phase)
>  File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotSkyBrightness.py", line 101, in get_skybrightness
>    return self.interpolate(lp, sky_dict)
>  File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotSkyBrightness.py", line 115, in interpolate
>    lwr_lp = lunar_phase - min([diff for diff in diff_list if diff > 0])
> ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence
> Offending routine:
>    def interpolate(self, lunar_phase, sky_dict):
>        '''Most skybrightness tables available on the web are sparse, ie these
>        often only show days 0, 2, 4, 6 etc after new moon. This method covers
>        the gaps.
>        '''
>        if sky_dict.has_key(lunar_phase):
>            return sky_dict[lunar_phase]
>        diff_list = [(lunar_phase - lp) for lp in sky_dict.keys()]
>        upr_lp = lunar_phase - max([diff for diff in diff_list if diff < 0])
>        lwr_lp = lunar_phase - min([diff for diff in diff_list if diff > 0])
>        slope         = (sky_dict[upr_lp] - sky_dict[lwr_lp])/(upr_lp - lwr_lp)
>        skybrightness = (lunar_phase - lwr_lp) * slope + sky_dict[lwr_lp]
>        return skybrightness
> Value of  diff_list = [-1, -15, -8]
> -----  Worklog & Comments Section ---------------
> Worklog and Comments : 
>   2011-10-27 08:01:17   vst
>      Tonight the script works without problems
>      A. Parraguez
>   2011-10-28 07:10:37   vst
>      Tonight no problems with the script.I leave the PPRS on Hold
>      A. Parraguez
>      Status Changed: On Hold 
>      Modified By: vst 
>      Modified Date: 2011-10-28 07:10:37 
>      Status Changed: On Hold 
>      Modified By: vst 
>      Modified Date: 2011-10-28 07:10:37 
>   2011-11-24 00:26:07   vst
>      Hi,
>      indeed one month after the first occurence we got today the next failure of OCAM_monitoring. So it is clearly lunar phase related.
>      I include Gijs and Konrad from the OmegaCAM consortium. Can you please help us with this bug?
>      Thanks and cheers,
>      Steffen
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - Error (mag/am)      : 0.034
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - AtmosphericExtinctionZeropoint.make
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - AtmosphericExtinctionZeropoint.echo_results
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - Extinction for band : SloanU
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - Value (mag/am)      : 0.501
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - Error (mag/am)      : 0.010
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - AtmosphericExtinctionZeropoint.make
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - AtmosphericExtinctionZeropoint.echo_results
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - Extinction for band : SloanG
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - Value (mag/am)      : 0.247
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - Error (mag/am)      : 0.002
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - ------------------------------------------
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 -  Fit results for : 2011-11-24 00:05:26.923000
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 -  Shift           : 0.173215
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 -  Shift error     : 0.008874
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 -  Slope           : -0.000014
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 -  Slope error     : 0.000002
>      [wocoff] 2011-11-24T00:20:29 - ------------------------------------------
>      Traceback (most recent call last):
>        File "/home/astro/bin/OCAM_monitoring", line 87, in <module>
>          __main__()
>        File "/home/astro/bin/OCAM_monitoring", line 84, in __main__
>          monit.make()
>        File "/home/astro/bin/OCAM_monitoring", line 28, in make
>          self.run_monit_routine()
>        File "/home/astro/bin/OCAM_monitoring", line 62, in run_monit_routine
>          maker3.make_report()
>        File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/filerecipes/Monitoring.py", line 321, in make_report
>          self.report.make()
>        File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotometricSkyReport.py", line 102, in make
>          self.derive_skybackgrounds()
>        File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotometricSkyReport.py", line 119, in derive_skybackgrounds
>          record.make()
>        File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotometricSkyReport.py", line 33, in make
>          self.set_skybrightness_expected()
>        File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotometricSkyReport.py", line 55, in set_skybrightness_expected
>          self.expected = self.photskybrightness.get_skybrightness(self.lunar_phase)
>        File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotSkyBrightness.py", line 101, in get_skybrightness
>          return self.interpolate(lp, sky_dict)
>        File "/diska/home/astro/awehome/current/astro/main/PhotSkyBrightness.py", line 115, in interpolate
>          lwr_lp = lunar_phase - min([diff for diff in diff_list if diff > 0])
>      ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence
>      Status Changed: Open 
>      Modified By: vst 
>      Modified Date: 2011-11-24 00:26:07 
>      Status Changed: Open 
>      Modified By: vst 
>      Modified Date: 2011-11-24 00:26:07 
>   2011-11-24 00:26:14   vst
>      Assignee changed: smieske 
>      Modified By: vst 
>      Modified Date: 2011-11-24 00:26:14 
>      Assignee changed: smieske 
>      Modified By: vst 
>      Modified Date: 2011-11-24 00:26:14 
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