[Comm2011] Fwd: PPRS-041986-Updated-VST-CASSEGRAIN ROTATOR-Strong rotation pattern in OmegaCAM images aorund meridian-Instrumentation

Konrad Kuijken kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Thu Oct 6 08:20:12 CEST 2011

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Paranal_AREmail <esoarspl at eso.org>
> Subject: PPRS-041986-Updated-VST-CASSEGRAIN ROTATOR-Strong rotation pattern in OmegaCAM images aorund meridian-Instrumentation
> Date: October 6, 2011 5:38:45 GMT+02:00
> To: kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> Reply-To: Paranal_AREmail <esoarspl at eso.org>
> Problem number PPRS-041986 in the Paranal PRS has now been updated.
> The new details of the ticket are listed below.
> This is for your information only.
> Problem Number  : PPRS-041986
> Creation Date   : 2011-10-04 04:00:47  by Steffen Mieske  (vst at eso.org)
> Type            : Problem
> Keywords        : Strong rotation pattern in OmegaCAM images aorund meridian
> Priority        : Critical
> Deadline        : 
> Status          : Assigned
> -----  Minor Change Section ---------------------
> -------------------------------------------------
> Location             : VST
> Area/Instrument Type : TELESCOPE
> System/Instrument    : CASSEGRAIN ROTATOR
> Sub-system           : 
> Assigned to Group    : Instrumentation
> Assigned to Person   : mriquelm
> CC List              :
> andrea.baruffolo at oapd.inaf.it
> par-tios at eso.org 
> uweilenm at eso.org 
> msterzik at eso.org 
> vst at eso.org
> par-vst at eso.org 
> acarlier at eso.org 
> akaufer at eso.org 
> jspyromi at eso.org
> kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> pietro.schipani at oacn.inaf.it
> Telescope Downtime   : 01:45
> Workload (hrs.)      : 0
> Detailed Description :
> Dear Instrumentation team,
> tonight we experienced a sudden strong degradation of Image quality while crossing the meridian at around 82 degrees altitude. The IQ would degrade by 30-40% in a ring toward the outer part of the FOV. Please have look at the PSF anisotropy maps by doing 
> firefox /diska/home/astro/awehome/cache/OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_005*psfanisotropy.png
> from a wocoff xterm.
> The affected time range is UT 03:00 to 03:15. Before and after this the IQ distribution is more or less OK. Here a list of the images taken around that time, the two most affected ones are 0055 and 0056. 
> wocoff astro:/data/raw/2011-10-03 1040 > dfits *005*fits | fitsort ADA.ABSROT.START ADA.ABSROT.END ORIGFILE ARCFILE TEL.ALT TEL.AZ
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0050.fits   128.18119               132.05155       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0050.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T02:31:17.696.fits      79.951  312.336
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0051.fits   133.04768               137.65534       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0051.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T02:41:18.952.fits      80.847  316.573
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0052.fits   138.14856               143.50017       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0052.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T02:46:00.635.fits      81.564  321.156
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0053.fits   144.04696               150.35415       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0053.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T02:50:44.328.fits      82.206  326.548
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0054.fits   151.67927               158.75065       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0054.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T02:55:28.031.fits      82.701  333.606
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0055.fits   159.82803               167.64855       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0055.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:00:13.294.fits      83.096  341.216
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0056.fits   171.36590               178.62316       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0056.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:10:01.369.fits      82.470  352.136
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0057.fits   179.58848               186.89678       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0057.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:14:45.942.fits      82.569  359.773
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0058.fits   187.73194               194.83066       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0058.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:19:26.015.fits      82.526  7.366  
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0059.fits   195.67887               199.70319       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0059.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:24:09.918.fits      82.248  14.739 
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0052.fits   138.14856               143.50017       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0052.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T02:46:00.635.fits
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0053.fits   144.04696               150.35415       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0053.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T02:50:44.328.fits
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0054.fits   151.67927               158.75065       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0054.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T02:55:28.031.fits
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0055.fits   159.82803               167.64855       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0055.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:00:13.294.fits
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0056.fits   171.36590               178.62316       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0056.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:10:01.369.fits
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0057.fits   179.58848               186.89678       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0057.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:14:45.942.fits
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0058.fits   187.73194               194.83066       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0058.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:19:26.015.fits
> OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0059.fits   195.67887               199.70319       OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS277_0059.fits   OMEGA.2011-10-04T03:24:09.918.fits
> Together with the azimuth offsets consistently failing around this region (PPRS 041851), we may be facing a serious issue here.
> Thanks,
> Steffen
> -----  Worklog & Comments Section ---------------
> Worklog and Comments : 
>   2011-10-04 11:32:55   joneal
>      Assignee changed: mriquelm 
>      Status Changed: Assigned 
>      Modified By: joneal 
>      Modified Date: 2011-10-04 11:32:55 
>      Assignee changed: mriquelm 
>      Status Changed: Assigned 
>      Modified By: joneal 
>      Modified Date: 2011-10-04 11:32:55 
>   2011-10-04 20:59:35   vst
>      I copy&paste the ocam log of the aberration corrections sent during the affected time. No peculiar aberration measured during that time. 
>      I also include Andrea Barrufolo in CC. Andrea, how would the 2 star guiding react to a residual rotation introduced by the VST rotator?
>      Oct  4 02:50:03 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  02:50:03.964204 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 about to send WRTABER 0 15.2 0.0 0 0 -112.6 0 -50.1 0 0 -10.2 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 141.2 0 14.6 0 0 11.4 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0
>      Oct  4 02:50:10 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  02:50:10.368627 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 WRTRABER returned 0
>      Oct  4 02:54:46 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  02:54:46.813276 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 about to send WRTABER 0 1.6 0.0 0 0 -217.6 0 -35.7 0 0 -12.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 -29.4 0 -55.3 0 0 147.8 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0
>      Oct  4 02:54:53 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  02:54:53.244474 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 WRTRABER returned 0
>      Oct  4 02:59:32 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  02:59:32.596885 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 about to send WRTABER 0 10.0 0.0 0 0 -38.7 0 -47.1 0 0 -17.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 34.8 0 -108.0 0 0 74.2 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0
>      Oct  4 02:59:36 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  02:59:36.001536 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 WRTRABER returned 0
>      Oct  4 03:04:15 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  03:04:15.865658 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 about to send WRTABER 0 126.6 0.0 0 0 -219.2 0 -66.8 0 0 -11.4 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 47.4 0 -79.3 0 0 16.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0
>      Oct  4 03:04:22 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  03:04:22.297129 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 WRTRABER returned 0
>      Oct  4 03:14:03 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  03:14:03.788125 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 about to send WRTABER 0 -56.6 0.0 0 0 -42.9 0 -36.7 0 0 -29.2 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 102.1 0 -174.4 0 0 161.2 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0
>      Oct  4 03:14:10 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  03:14:10.196940 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 WRTRABER returned 0
>      Oct  4 03:18:48 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  03:18:48.556040 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 about to send WRTABER 0 12.9 0.0 0 0 -110.0 0 -17.6 0 0 -26.9 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 -177.0 0 -2.4 0 0 -120.7 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0
>      Oct  4 03:18:52 wocam seqWish: 2011-10-04  03:18:52.954627 wocam seq bob_21460 199 0 WRTRABER returned 0
>   2011-10-05 05:00:33   vst
>      Tonight we experienced again this strong residual rotation, amounting to about 5 pixels during a 4 min integration at the edge of the FOV. The effect starts to become notable in our case at about 25-30 min before meridian crossing, for an observation which reached a maximum altitude of 83 degrees at meridian.
>      We made tests with single and double star guiding. With single star guiding, the region close to the single guide star remains more or less still, and the rotation is more or less around that single guide star.
>      For double star guiding, the rotation pattern is tyically pointsymmetric to the center of the FOV. In both cases, the IQ degradation due to the rotation is, as written above, very strong of order 1".
>      I elevate this to critical.
>      Below more details. Until 04:00 UT these were two OB executions with two star guiding. After 04:00 UT is an execution with a single guide star, with a starting rotator angle similar to the previous executions.
>      First is the list of IQ, note the IQ_degr. Below that is the list of images with rotator angles etc.
>      Finally, I have transfered the anisotropy maps taken during that time to vst at odyssey4:smieske_mod and will send them to Pietro Schipani and Konrad Kujken via email.
>      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      Date                         OBid         Filter     |           ImaQuality Ellipticity             | N_Ell |  MeanIQ   |  IQ_degr  |  MeanELL  |  N_reduced
>                                                           |     Chip65     Chip76     Chip85     Chip96  |       | Ima  OB/F | Ima  OB/F | Ima  OB/F |    
>      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      2011-10-05T03:12:20.487     581565          i_SDSS       0.62 0.06  0.53 0.04  0.56 0.04  0.62 0.07     0     0.58        1.12        0.05          8 
>      2011-10-05T03:17:05.209     581565          i_SDSS       0.63 0.06  0.52 0.04  0.64 0.05  0.70 0.08     0     0.60        1.15        0.06          8 
>      2011-10-05T03:21:47.532     581565          i_SDSS       0.69 0.04  0.52 0.06  0.53 0.07  0.70 0.05     0     0.61        1.32        0.06          8 
>      2011-10-05T03:26:31.335     581565          i_SDSS       0.69 0.04  0.53 0.05  0.55 0.06  0.73 0.04     0     0.63        1.35        0.06          8 
>      2011-10-05T03:31:13.678     581565          i_SDSS       0.85 0.08  0.56 0.07  0.56 0.08  0.77 0.08     0     0.70        1.48        0.09          8 
>      2011-10-05T03:41:38.524     581565          i_SDSS       0.68 0.09  0.51 0.11  0.54 0.11  0.95 0.19     1     0.69        1.60        0.13          8 
>      2011-10-05T03:46:19.987     581565          i_SDSS       0.95 0.17  0.49 0.05  0.79 0.08  0.91 0.09     0     0.75        1.60        0.10          8 
>      2011-10-05T03:51:03.980     581565          i_SDSS       0.76 0.17  0.57 0.10  0.66 0.10  0.90 0.12     0     0.71        1.38        0.12          8 
>      2011-10-05T03:55:48.473     581565          i_SDSS       0.57 0.09  0.58 0.10  0.61 0.09  0.90 0.11     0     0.63        1.16        0.09          8 
>      2011-10-05T04:00:33.125     581565          i_SDSS       0.56 0.09  0.47 0.06  0.46 0.05  0.78 0.10     0     0.56        1.38        0.07          8 
>      2011-10-05T04:18:38.716     581565          i_SDSS       1.10 0.21  0.73 0.09  0.64 0.07  0.65 0.08     1     0.79        1.30        0.11          8 
>      2011-10-05T04:23:24.289     581565          i_SDSS       0.69 0.11  0.60 0.06  0.57 0.04  0.72 0.10     0     0.64        1.19        0.08          8 
>      2011-10-05T04:28:04.872     581565          i_SDSS       1.79 0.29  0.79 0.12  0.67 0.08  0.69 0.09     2     0.96        1.63        0.14          8 
>      2011-10-05T04:32:48.665     581565          i_SDSS       1.43 0.39  0.94 0.27  0.80 0.21  0.83 0.14     7     1.00        1.31        0.26          8 
>      2011-10-05T04:37:32.437     581565          i_SDSS       2.58 0.41  1.42 0.22  0.99 0.13  0.93 0.14     3     1.48  0.76  1.48  1.36  0.23  0.11    8 
>      FILE                            ADA.ABSROT.START        ADA.ABSROT.END  TEL.PARANG.START        TEL.PARANG.END  DATE-OBS               
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0001.fits   110.49936               112.10833       -69.453                 -67.842         2011-10-05T02:40:57.268
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0002.fits   112.22919               114.00605       -67.714                 -65.932         2011-10-05T02:45:44.191
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0003.fits   114.13537               116.06165       -65.803                 -63.871         2011-10-05T02:50:24.614
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0004.fits   116.60931               118.78075       -63.323                 -61.146         2011-10-05T02:55:08.426
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0005.fits   119.16396               121.56444       -60.771                 -58.355         2011-10-05T02:59:49.099
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0006.fits   123.01324               126.23083       -56.890                 -53.663         2011-10-05T03:12:20.487
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0007.fits   126.55547               130.28839       -53.351                 -49.593         2011-10-05T03:17:05.209
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0008.fits   130.67843               134.99884       -49.184                 -44.886         2011-10-05T03:21:47.532
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0009.fits   135.98795               141.10800       -43.858                 -38.766         2011-10-05T03:26:31.335
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0010.fits   141.97007               147.78661       -37.880                 -32.073         2011-10-05T03:31:13.678
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0011.fits   157.66749               165.31345       -22.136                 -14.472         2011-10-05T03:41:38.524
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0012.fits   166.22350               174.42180       -13.560                 -5.322          2011-10-05T03:46:19.987
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0013.fits   175.38152               183.99390       -4.394                  4.221           2011-10-05T03:51:03.980
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0014.fits   185.24729               193.49301       5.505                   13.681          2011-10-05T03:55:48.473
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0015.fits   194.52127               199.66569       14.708                  0.000           2011-10-05T04:00:33.125
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0016.fits   143.79050               149.89131       -36.056                 -29.915         2011-10-05T04:18:38.716
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0017.fits   150.61490               157.68455       -29.215                 -22.100         2011-10-05T04:23:24.289
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0018.fits   158.47231               166.21013       -21.340                 -13.557         2011-10-05T04:28:04.872
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0019.fits   167.53416               175.85983       -12.265                 -3.905          2011-10-05T04:32:48.665
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS278_0020.fits   177.07371               185.42379       -2.692                  5.660           2011-10-05T04:37:32.437
>      Priority Changed: Critical 
>      Modified By: vst 
>      Modified Date: 2011-10-05 05:00:32 
>      Priority Changed: Critical 
>      Modified By: vst 
>      Modified Date: 2011-10-05 05:00:32 
>   2011-10-06 03:36:00   vst
>      Add email report sent to INAF/OCAM on the issue. Anisotropy plots are found on vst at odyssey4:smieske_mod/
>      **************************************************************************************
>      Steffen Mieske wrote:
>      Hi Pietro,
>      tonight we did a number of tests of the rotation pattern, with several sequence that went through the meridian. Below the list of IQ measurements, and the corresponding list of telescope positions. I also attach all corresponding anisotropy plots.
>      Explanation of what was done, image numbers OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_00xx:
>      Images 1-14: Altitude at meridian 84.8 degrees
>      Images 15-19: Altitude at meridian 74.8 degrees
>      1: Guiding with telescope, OCAM IA converged immediately before. Strong rotation pattern.
>      2&3 Guiding without telescope, with same OCAM IA setup as image 1. Overwhelmingly strong rotation pattern.
>      4 useless, aborted due to rotator on limit
>      5-9: Guiding with telescope, with OCAM IA converged before first image. We actually converged the IA without the guide probe in, then paused and put the guide probe in, started guiding. Rotation pattern strongest in the first image, then aligned image elongation in 4th and 5th image.
>      10-14: Guiding with 2 stars on OmegaCAM, with OCAM IA converged before first image. Consistent rotation pattern in images 3-5, image alignment in image 1, intermediate pattern in image 2.
>      15-19: [at 74.7 altitude] Guiding with 2 stars on OmegaCAM, with OCAM IA converged before first image. Very good IQ throughout, only marginal weak rotation pattern visible.
>      *I would currently conclude to avoid +- 30 min of meridian within ~12 degrees in altitude.*
>      Cheers,
>      Steffen
>      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      Date                         OBid         Filter     |           ImaQuality Ellipticity             | N_Ell |  MeanIQ   |  IQ_degr  |  MeanELL  |  N_reduced
>                                                          |     Chip65     Chip76     Chip85     Chip96  |       | Ima  OB/F | Ima  OB/F | Ima  OB/F |   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      2011-10-06T00:23:44.503     607484          i_SDSS       1.10 0.22  0.75 0.05  0.78 0.07  1.12 0.10     1     0.94        1.45        0.11          8
>      2011-10-06T00:28:29.686     607484          i_SDSS       1.18 0.26  1.36 0.25  1.34 0.31  2.35 0.38     6     1.65        1.37        0.26          8
>      2011-10-06T00:33:10.119     607484          i_SDSS       1.35 0.31  1.51 0.33  1.53 0.31  2.11 0.41     7     1.67        1.17        0.32          8
>      2011-10-06T00:37:54.352     607484          i_SDSS       0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00
>      2011-10-06T00:53:52.031     607484          i_SDSS       0.98 0.18  0.75 0.11  0.60 0.06  0.80 0.09     0     0.78        1.33        0.10          8
>      2011-10-06T00:58:37.013     607484          i_SDSS       0.75 0.08  0.63 0.09  0.57 0.07  0.79 0.05     0     0.69        1.23        0.08          8
>      2011-10-06T01:03:18.377     607484          i_SDSS       0.82 0.09  0.66 0.12  0.69 0.06  0.83 0.03     0     0.74        1.24        0.08          8
>      2011-10-06T01:08:02.450     607484          i_SDSS       0.91 0.14  0.83 0.19  0.73 0.15  0.95 0.10     0     0.86        1.16        0.14          8
>      2011-10-06T01:12:43.082     607484          i_SDSS       2.20 0.59  2.31 0.61  2.22 0.62  2.25 0.58     8     2.24        0.99        0.60          8
>      2011-10-06T01:28:35.792     607484          i_SDSS       0.82 0.19  0.61 0.15  0.60 0.12  0.73 0.13     1     0.68        1.27        0.15          8
>      2011-10-06T01:33:18.595     607484          i_SDSS       0.84 0.04  0.51 0.05  0.54 0.05  0.98 0.11     0     0.71        1.74        0.07          8
>      2011-10-06T01:38:02.767     607484          i_SDSS       1.00 0.17  0.61 0.08  0.64 0.04  1.03 0.09     0     0.82        1.63        0.10          8
>      2011-10-06T01:42:43.200     607484          i_SDSS       1.03 0.21  0.77 0.08  0.71 0.07  0.88 0.09     1     0.83        1.27        0.10          8
>      2011-10-06T01:47:27.343     607484          i_SDSS       0.73 0.11  0.67 0.03  0.67 0.05  0.83 0.09     0     0.74        1.22        0.08          8
>      2011-10-06T02:03:43.633     607484          i_SDSS       0.55 0.04  0.57 0.05  0.60 0.05  0.63 0.04     0     0.59        1.00        0.05          8
>      2011-10-06T02:08:25.935     607484          i_SDSS       0.57 0.05  0.67 0.04  0.68 0.05  0.64 0.04     0     0.64        0.91        0.05          8
>      2011-10-06T02:13:11.328     607484          i_SDSS       0.61 0.07  0.59 0.05  0.61 0.04  0.61 0.04     0     0.60        0.99        0.05          8
>      2011-10-06T02:17:52.141     607484          i_SDSS       0.50 0.03  0.54 0.04  0.56 0.06  0.62 0.06     0     0.54        0.95        0.05          8
>      2011-10-06T02:22:36.144     607484          i_SDSS       0.65 0.05  0.65 0.04  0.67 0.05  0.74 0.04     0     0.67  0.91  1.04  1.22  0.04  0.13    8
>      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      Date                         OBid         Filter     |           ImaQuality Ellipticity             | N_Ell |  MeanIQ   |  IQ_degr  |  MeanELL  |  N_reduced
>                                                          |     Chip65     Chip76     Chip85     Chip96  |       | Ima  OB/F | Ima  OB/F | Ima  OB/F |   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      wocoff astro:/data/raw/2011-10-05 1590 > dfits *OBS279_00*fits | fitsort ADA.ABSROT.START ADA.ABSROT.END TEL.PARANG.START TEL.PARANG.END TEL.AZ TEL.ALT DATE-OBS
>      FILE                            ADA.ABSROT.START        ADA.ABSROT.END  TEL.PARANG.START        TEL.PARANG.END  TEL.AZ  TEL.ALT DATE-OBS              OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0001.fits   164.47242               174.49593       -15.383                 -5.347          345.354 84.564  2011-10-06T00:23:44.503
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0002.fits   175.71610               186.22770       -4.130                  6.425           356.070 84.760  2011-10-06T00:28:29.686
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0003.fits   187.45648               197.40237       7.613                   17.590          7.273   84.752  2011-10-06T00:33:10.119
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0004.fits   198.60563               147.39008       18.788                  0.000           17.860  84.445  2011-10-06T00:37:54.352
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0005.fits   142.90366               150.39486       -36.994                 -29.450         324.928 83.588  2011-10-06T00:53:52.031
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0006.fits   151.50894               160.39227       -28.332                 -19.461         333.011 84.143  2011-10-06T00:58:37.013
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0007.fits   161.60301               171.54466       -18.248                 -8.290          342.622 84.551  2011-10-06T01:03:18.377
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0008.fits   172.86473               183.40449       -6.968                  3.579           353.319 84.774  2011-10-06T01:08:02.450
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0009.fits   184.69984               194.84389       4.916                   15.015          4.617   84.793  2011-10-06T01:12:43.082
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0010.fits   143.79346               151.51175       -36.038                 -28.327         325.816 83.668  2011-10-06T01:28:35.792
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0011.fits   152.58166               161.58312       -27.254                 -18.228         334.089 84.207  2011-10-06T01:33:18.595
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0012.fits   162.85029               172.94208       -16.920                 -6.856          343.807 84.593  2011-10-06T01:38:02.767
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0013.fits   174.23008               184.70970       -5.526                  4.955           354.697 84.794  2011-10-06T01:42:43.200
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0014.fits   186.08491               196.19874       6.288                   16.393          6.011   84.787  2011-10-06T01:47:27.343
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0015.fits   170.31934               173.89151       -9.613                  -6.040          351.878 74.643  2011-10-06T02:03:43.633
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0016.fits   174.35183               177.97861       -5.579                  -1.966          355.278 74.763  2011-10-06T02:08:25.935
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0017.fits   178.48581               182.11053       -1.444                  2.181           358.770 74.819  2011-10-06T02:13:11.328
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0018.fits   182.55949               186.16824       2.616                   6.225           2.214   74.810  2011-10-06T02:17:52.141
>      OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS279_0019.fits   186.59925               190.20773       6.656                   10.279          5.625   74.737  2011-10-06T02:22:36.144
>      wocoff astro:/data/raw/2011-10-05 1591 >
>      *******************************
>      Pietro Schipani wrote:
> Hola Steffen,
> unfortunately I do not think this is the problem [refering to rotator running on 4 encoders]: now we are working with 1 encoder (I have just checked with Laurent), we had archived the correct version.  Laurent did a test just a few minutes ago in the same conditions (meridian, small zenith angle) and the rms error was about 0.15-0.2 arcsec, very small for the rotator. After refilling of LN2 he will try again.
> - If the problem is in the control loop, we should see a dramatic increase of the tracking error in the panel (what we are trying to reproduce with Laurent at day-time), something like error = 50-100 arcsec. We should try to save error data associated with bad images, but even a visual inspection may be sufficient for the moment.
> - If there is a problem in the quality of feedback (i.e. what the encoder says is not totally true), we should likely see the effect on any image (at meridian, and not). This does not seem to be the case.
> - If the problem is related to the amplitude of rotator movement during the image, we should see the effect also on images far from meridian, with the same rot excursion (5-7 degree). This might in theory happen in case of slightly wrong gear ratio, that we had excluded in the past and would strongly affect the pointing. So far I did not have this feeling from your plots, and as far as I know the pointing for rotator angles now is working fine.
> As usual we should try to know the enemy, to understand how we can defeat it... we need more information.
> Ciao,
> Pietro
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