[Comm2011] Fwd: VST NR 2011-10-09/10

Konrad Kuijken kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Tue Oct 11 14:34:19 CEST 2011

Begin forwarded message:

> From: VST Telescope User <vst at eso.org>
> Subject: VST NR 2011-10-09/10
> Date: October 10, 2011 18:46:04 GMT+02:00
> To: par-sciops at eso.org, "La Silla Paranal Director's Office" <par-dir at eso.org>, par-vst at eso.org, qc_omegacam at eso.org, usg at eso.org, par-UTmanagers at eso.org, Pietro Schipani <schipani at oacn.inaf.it>, Konrad Kuijken <kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl>
> Cc: kids at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> resent with corrected open shutter time (only 00:05 science).
>                        VST NIGHT REPORT 2011-10-09/10
>                        ================================
> Shift coordinator    : C. Martayan
> Telescope operator   : S. Cerda, Dn. N.Jimenez
> Weather officer      : M. Olivares
> Day astronomer       : G. Hau, C. Foster
> Night astronomer     : S. Mieske
> +----------------+
> Night statistics
> +----------------+
> Night start  : 00:02
> Night end    : 08:54
> Night length : 08:52
> Instrument  Mode            Time spent
> --------------------------------------
> OMEGACAM    Service         02:01
> OMEGACAM    Technical       06:51
> Instrument Times:
> Instrument  Mode            Science  Acqui   Calib   Stand
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> OMEGACAM    Service         00:05    00:00   00:00   00:37
> Others / Comments:
> Total Losses:
> Instrument  Mode            Technical  Weather     Misc
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> OMEGACAM    Service         00:00    00:00   00:00   00:00
> Instrument  Mode            Execution  Preparation Idle   
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> OMEGACAM    Service         00:00    00:00   00:00   00:50
> Others / Comments:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> +----------+
> Conditions
> +----------+
> +--------------+
> Weather Report
> +--------------+
> http://archive.eso.org/asm/ambient-server?night=09+Oct+2011&site=paranal
> +----------------+
> Setup Activities
> +----------------+
> +------------------+
>  General Comments
> +------------------+
> - 00:02UT to 06:53UT technical time
> - 07:40UT to 08:30UT idle time. No feasible OBs (mostly due to lunar restriction) 
> +-------------------+
>  Internal Comments
> +-------------------+
> - resent NR at UT 16:45 with corrected science open shutter time. Removed open shutter time for all 60.A* runs as of now in ocmtooLog.
> +--------------------------+
>  Summary: Action requests
> +--------------------------+
> PR number	Time lost	Short Description
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>              -----------------------------------------
>               D A Y T I M E   C A L I B R A T I O N S
>              -----------------------------------------
> 60.A-9038(A)    574184  2011-10-09T09:19:18     Calibration
>             -------------------------------------------
>               N I G H T T I M E   A C T I V I T I E S
>             -------------------------------------------
> *****************************************************************
> PROGRAM-ID,     OB ID,  START TIME,             OB NAMES
> *****************************************************************
> 60.A-9038(A)    598299  2011-10-09T22:57:54     OMEGACAM_SkyFlat_Field38_ugriz
> 60.A-9038(A)    595887  2011-10-09T23:15:02     OMEGACAM_Landolt_SA113_Master_Key
> 60.A-9038(A)    596089  2011-10-09T23:38:13     OMEGACAM_Polar_Master_segmented
> 60.A-9038(A)    607484  2011-10-09T23:53:40     KIDS_test
> Maintenance     -1      2011-10-10T02:19:31     Maintenance
> 177.A-3011(B)   595679  2011-10-10T02:28:48     zband--26_vst__1_15_1
> 60.A-9038(A)    595899  2011-10-10T06:54:14     OMEGACAM_Landolt_SA98_Master_Key
> 60.A-9038(A)    596089  2011-10-10T07:22:50     OMEGACAM_Polar_Master_segmented
> *********************
> *********************
> Total science time:              00:05
> Total standard star time:        00:37 
> Total calibration time:          00:00 
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