[Comm2011] Fwd: PPRS-041673-Closed-VST-INSTRUMENT CONTROL SYSTEM-focus offset for filter NB_659-Software

Konrad Kuijken kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Mon Sep 19 23:14:25 CEST 2011

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Paranal_AREmail <esoarspl at eso.org>
> Subject: PPRS-041673-Closed-VST-INSTRUMENT CONTROL SYSTEM-focus offset for filter NB_659-Software
> Date: September 14, 2011 16:06:15 GMT+02:00
> To: kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> Reply-To: Paranal_AREmail <esoarspl at eso.org>
> Ticket PPRS-041673 in the Paranal PRS has now been closed.
> A description of the problem, including its resolution, is listed below.
> Problem Number  : PPRS-041673
> Creation Date   : 2011-09-14 01:13:44  by Thomas Szeifert  (vst at eso.org)
> Type            : Problem
> Keywords        : focus offset for filter NB_659
> Priority        : Necessary
> Deadline        : 
> Status          : Closed
> -----  Minor Change Section ---------------------
> -------------------------------------------------
> Location             : VST
> Area/Instrument Type : CENTRAL CONTROL
> System/Instrument    : INSTRUMENT CONTROL SYSTEM
> Sub-system           : INSTRUMENT CONTROL SOFTWARE
> Assigned to Group    : Software
> Assigned to Person   : 
> CC List              :
> steam at eso.org
> kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> smieske at eso.org
> fselman at eso.org 
> par-tios at eso.org 
> uweilenm at eso.org 
> msterzik at eso.org 
> vst at eso.org
> par-vst at eso.org 
> akaufer at eso.org
> Telescope Downtime   : 00:00
> Workload (hrs.)      : 1.3
> Detailed Description :
> I have edited the focus offset for the NB_659 in the data base:
> I have -0.021 offset between the image analyses and the focus sequence. With a field curvature (half value between center and edge) of 0.06 I have estimaged 540nm = 1000 *  (-0.021 + +0.006)  / -0.028
> The value is edited in locics1:Appl_data:OMEGACAM:ICS:DEVICES:FILT.fltAvailable (row 30, columns focus and focusADS)
> The change should be archived asap.
> The images of the focus sequence indicate that this is a good compromize (round, sharp images from the center to the edge of the FOV)
> -----  Worklog & Comments Section ---------------
> Worklog and Comments : 
>   2011-09-14 14:03:34   ddelvall
>      focus and focusADS where changed to 540.0 on file config/ocmcfgINS_FILTERS.cfg 
>      Module ocmcfg was updated and archived.
>      Status Changed: Closed 
>      Modified By: ddelvall 
>      Modified Date: 2011-09-14 14:03:34 
>      Status Changed: Closed 
>      Modified By: ddelvall 
>      Modified Date: 2011-09-14 14:03:34 
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