[Comm2011] Fwd: VST/OmegaCAM data via EVALSO: shut-down on Sept 26, 2011

Ewout M. Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Fri Sep 23 16:17:21 CEST 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	VST/OmegaCAM data via EVALSO: shut-down on Sept 26, 2011
Date: 	Fri, 23 Sep 2011 15:46:27 +0200
From: 	Monika Petr-Gotzens <mpetr at eso.org>
To: 	Monika Petr-Gotzens <mpetr at eso.org>

Dear colleague,

    During the last couple of months VST/OmegaCAM data was transfered
via the high-speed data link EVALSO from Paranal to Garching, in order
to provide you easy and quick access to the VST/OmegaCAM commissioning
data. Please be informed that because the commissioning period has come
to an end, ESO will disable the ftp access to the EVALSO backend by
next monday, September 26, 2011.

With kind regards,
Monika Petr-Gotzens
ESO User Support Department

Dr. Monika G. Petr-Gotzens
European Southern Observatory
ESO User Support Department
e-mail: mpetr at eso.org

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