[Comm2011] Fwd: PPRS-046781-Closed-VST-OMEGACAM-Image degradation constraint out of limits-Science Operations

Konrad Kuijken kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Mon May 12 08:52:39 CEST 2014

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Paranal_AREmail <esoarspl at eso.org>
> Subject: PPRS-046781-Closed-VST-OMEGACAM-Image degradation constraint out of limits-Science Operations
> Date: May 12, 2014 2:08:41 GMT+2
> To: kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> Reply-To: Paranal_AREmail <esoarspl at eso.org>
> Ticket PPRS-046781 in the Paranal PRS has now been closed.
> A description of the problem, including its resolution, is listed below.
> Problem Number  : PPRS-046781
> Creation Date   : 2012-08-28 05:05:40  by N jimenez  (vst at eso.org)
> Type            : Problem
> Keywords        : Image degradation constraint out of limits
> Priority        : Critical
> Deadline        : 
> Status          : Closed
> -----  Minor Change Section ---------------------
> -------------------------------------------------
> Location             : VST
> Area/Instrument Type : INSTRUMENTS
> System/Instrument    : OMEGACAM
> Sub-system           : 
> Assigned to Group    : Science Operations
> Assigned to Person   : tszeifer
> CC List              :
> tszeifer at eso.org
> smieske at eso.org 
> ikastinen at eso.org
> kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
> uweilenm at eso.org
> pietro.schipani at oacn.inaf.it
> vst at eso.org
> par-vst at eso.org 
> acarlier at eso.org 
> akaufer at eso.org 
> par-tios at eso.org 
> Vst_allVst_Omega_Notification 
> msterzik at eso.org 
> tios-omega at eso.org
> Telescope Downtime   : 04:53
> Workload (hrs.)      : 8.25
> Detailed Description :
> Tonight problems wiith ID starting in  two KIDS OB and then switching to  a  concatenation keep showing strong image degradation. Observing at 68 degs in alt and 52 degs in az.  images on RTD seems good with FWHM 3.5:3.6 at the center but being degradated toward the edges   Defocus and coma valued as good as 100 and 230 respectively and OB resulted classified D in IQ script. I aborted and repeated but results weere  the same, Condition are perfectly good, seeing less than 1  low wind (5m/s)
> There is another ticket that is on hold reporting the same in March. The PPRS is 44520 and is critical
> Could it be related with M2 tilt or maybe the software update in progress is affecting the observation?
> People from software team working in the 2010 update says that work is not affecting.
> Also I. Kastinen was analysing the problem without finding more lights.
> PPRS 046764 from yesterday is reporting problems with strong ellipticity
> As OB remains resulting with strong image dagradation I  decidec to give a C and continue with different observation.
> Thanks
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date                 OBid    Filter      |      ImaQuality   ,   Ellipticity     | N_El |    MeanIQ    |  IQ_degr  | MeanELL(%)| msg |      CLASSIFICATION      |   CONCATEN.  IQ  IQ    Degr   Ell
>                                         |  Chip65   Chip76   Chip85   Chip96    |      |   Ima  OB/F  | Ima  OB/F | Ima  OB/F |     | Se ID ME Ai MD FL  FINAL |  contain.ID  Req ConcatConcat Concat ORANG
>                                         |  (" , %)   (" , %)   (" , %)   (" , %)|      |   (arcsec)   | (%)   (%) | (%)   (%) |                                   
> ==============================================================================================================================================================================================================
> 2012-08-28T03:07:29  684969  z_SDSS        1.23",25  0.62", 5  0.63", 3  0.58", 6     1    0.73"  --     29.6   -     8.5   -           -  -  B  -  -  -     B      (684968) 
> 2012-08-28T03:09:01  684969  z_SDSS        1.22",28  0.64", 6  0.67", 5  0.63",10     1    0.75" 0.74"   27.4 28.5   10.0  9.2          A  B  B  A  A  A     B      (684968)    1.4   0.74  28.5  9.2  OT=0.76
> 2012-08-28T03:13:49  684972  z_SDSS        2.40",40  0.63", 6  0.56", 5  0.60", 5     2    0.90"  --     72.6   -    11.7   -           -  -  B  -  -  -     B      (684968) 
> 2012-08-28T03:15:19  684972  z_SDSS        1.78",38  0.57", 4  0.56", 4  0.57", 8     1    0.79" 0.84"   58.2 65.4   11.0 11.3          A  D  B  A  A  A     D      (684968)    1.4   0.79  46.9  10.3  OT=0.86
> 2012-08-28T03:17:22  684975  z_SDSS        1.93",32  0.52", 5  0.53", 7  0.54", 7     1    0.80"  --     69.5   -    11.3   -           -  -  B  -  -  -     B      (684968) 
> 2012-08-28T03:18:47  684975  z_SDSS        2.72",39  0.57", 6  0.51", 4  0.57", 4     2    0.96" 0.88"   89.1 79.3   12.4 11.9          A  D!  B  A  A  A     D      (684968)    1.4   0.82  57.7  10.8  OT=0.90
> 2012-08-28T03:20:42  684978  z_SDSS        2.55",38  0.60", 7  0.51", 4  0.61", 3     2    0.94"  --     83.4   -    12.9   -           -  -  B  -  -  -     B      (684968) 
> 2012-08-28T03:22:07  684978  z_SDSS        2.55",38  0.59", 8  0.48", 4  0.56", 5     2    0.91" 0.92"   84.1 83.8   13.6 13.2          A  D!  B  A  A  A     D      (684968)    1.4   0.84  64.2  11.4  OT=0.94
> 2012-08-28T03:27:41  684981  z_SDSS        1.63",31  0.56", 3  0.57", 3  0.57", 5     1    0.75"  --     51.1   -     8.6   -           -  -  B  -  -  -     B      (684968) 
> 2012-08-28T03:29:07  684981  z_SDSS        1.43",30  0.58", 4  0.60", 4  0.58", 8     1    0.75" 0.75"   42.0 46.5    9.7  9.1          A  D!  B  A  A  A     D      (684968)    1.4   0.83  60.7  11.0  OT=0.77
> 2012-08-28T03:44:29  684969  z_SDSS        1.35",24  0.74", 4  0.76", 3  0.77", 6     1    0.87"  --     28.4   -     7.9   -           -  -  B  -  -  B     B      (684968) 
> 2012-08-28T03:45:58  684969  z_SDSS        1.30",25  0.73", 6  0.77", 5  0.77", 6     1    0.86" 0.86"   25.8 27.1    8.4  8.2          A  B  B  A  A  B     B      (684968)    1.4   0.83  55.1  10.5  OT=0.90
> 2012-08-28T03:48:15  684972  z_SDSS        1.36",26  0.81", 5  0.81", 3  0.82", 4     1    0.93"  --     25.9   -     8.2   -           -  -  B  -  -  B     B      (684968) 
> 2012-08-28T03:49:43  684972  z_SDSS        1.45",25  0.82", 2  0.83", 3  0.81", 3     1    0.94" 0.93"   27.0 26.5    7.3  7.8          A  B  B  A  A  B     B      (684968)    1.4   0.85  51.0  10.1  OT=0.97
> w
> -----  Worklog & Comments Section ---------------
> Worklog and Comments : 
>   2012-08-28 08:46:31   vst
>      Hi: Continuing during the night with serious problem concernig image degradation and ellipticity, so I have to add 02:48 to the lost time for this ticket. No matter how many image analysis are done and with good values in defocus and coma always system complain for guide stars and image analysis results and it must be changed many time during observation. Guiding is lost at the end of each template. IA stars selected are out of reference area so appears with star ID unknown and magnitude 99.99
>      Yhanks
>      NJI
>   2012-08-28 09:43:15   vst
>      Adding 00:55 more minutes to this tech downtime
>      Thanks
>      NJI
>   2012-08-28 17:11:47   vst
>      Correnting the downtime. According to NLT the total loss correspond to 04h and 53 min.
>      Cheers,
>      Sce.
>   2012-08-29 12:36:36   gvaldes
>      Yesterday night, with Ismo, and after the sky flats we investigated the problem,  following tips and advices from T.Szeifert.
>      from 
>      wtvst vstmgr : ~/COMMLOGS/wvtst.2012-08-28.gva.
>      ********************************************
>      UT 23 30 
>      Seeing 1.2  Wind 10. North.
>      Sequence, Preset, Onecal manual, not from preset.
>      RefPix, updated to 252 181 
>                                         AG Off
>         RA           DEC        MAG    RA   DEC
>         171442.17   -635155.45  8.00   30.7  5.3     South, meridian, Dec -60
>         142638.58   -265126.09  8.34   -4.8 -24.4    West,  Alt 48         
>         173141.22     81608.66  8.71   -35   -2      Nort   ALt 57
>         194911.53   -284719.44  6.08   -10  33       East   Alt 61 
>      Init M2
>      Retry presets
>         174838.08   -552406.58  6.13     30   -9      South, meridian.  .... 
>         Centering the Start with Delta   +10 
>                                  Epsilon +50
>         150404.26   -251654.68  3.47    -9  -22      West
>                                  Delta  +10
>                                  Epsili  +40
>         181802.94    134637.40  6.29    -34  3       North
>                                  Delta   +8
>                                  Epsilon 54
>          211202.66   -240717.28  7.98   -11 32       East 
>                                  Delta  -5
>                                  Epsilon 50 
>      Offset to be applied...   ~   5 50  arcsec.
>      Original values....   Delta    173.6
>                            Epsilon -381.9
>                            Delta    178.6
>                            Epsilin -331.9
>      Updated in M2gui Configuration Panel.  
>      In the same star, preset, onecal... still in the same position. 
>      Checking with new Preset.  
>         181340.83   -410736.15  7.15  -4  11    South
>         201659.94   -311228.41  7.85  -8  2.7   West
>      Now, checking the STD star.
>      S.Brillant check the IQ and Point ~ 10 arcsec... look fine... but
>      there is nothing in the queue..  
>      seeing 1.7 and full moon, and wind ~ 12 m/s 
>      UT 01 26
>      ***************************************************************************** 
>      Conclusions
>      * after the Init of M2, the pomoffset remains similars, then it seems is not a problem of init M2.
>      * the NL of VST show that most of the OB were clasified B and also A. ... means the IQ in general improved. 
>      * no clue of the root cause of this problem, since 2 shift ago  Delta/Epsilon were also adjusted by TSz.
>      Regards.
>      Guillermo Valdes.  
>      WL.  2h x 2person+ 1 reading reports, updating ticket, etc. + 1 of OSS yesterday analysing the prb. in day time.
>   2012-08-29 12:50:40   ikastine
>      Included my investigation time to workload.
>   2012-08-29 19:00:16   tszeifer
>      Here some older information from Riacrdo Parra about checking the M1 positions (in a similar case of tilt/astigmatism gradients):
>      VST M1 main mirror fixed points positions
>      1: 250
>      2: 800
>      3: 775
>      The fundamental thing is that when you move the fixed points to these positions, when later you apply the right forces to the mirror, these values change. But you want the values are these ones after the application of forces. Therefore you have to correct 3-4 times the fixed point positions and then apply the forces (with ONECAL), more or less at zenith, to iteratively go very close to the positions that you want.
>      I will have a look into the M2 position measurement when returning on Saturday.
>      Please check image quality in one of the R,I or z filters (which have the most curved focal plane in OMEGACAM) when the seeing is significantly below 1 arcsecs and ask to run psf-anisotropy OMEGACAM??????.fits on wocoff for the best image(s).
>      I have no idea what part of the optics is moving in fact,...
>   2012-08-29 22:57:30   gvaldes
>      M1 position checked after rollback to VLTSW2008 and INIT,  ALT =89.5.    
>      Position in nominal, +/- 1 . 
>      Regards.
>      Guillermo
>   2012-08-31 00:10:41   vst
>      During the  VLTSW2010 test this night,  again the pointing was very bad, with stars falling out of the field of TCS AG camera.  
>      then we revert the delta/epsilon changes we do 2 day ago to the original one,  and we were able again to find stars into the AG camera field and the AG offset were in the range of 10'' ....
>      Now the candidate of IQ degradation is the M2, meaning that the position are not repetitive afte each INIT.
>      GVA/LMA
>   2012-12-08 06:19:22   smieske
>      Assignee changed: tszeifer 
>      Status Changed: Assigned 
>      Modified By: smieske 
>      Modified Date: 2012-12-08 06:19:22 
>      Assignee changed: tszeifer 
>      Status Changed: Assigned 
>      Modified By: smieske 
>      Modified Date: 2012-12-08 06:19:22 
>   2014-05-12 00:06:11   tszeifer
>      to be followed up in VST improvement project
>      Status Changed: Closed 
>      Modified By: tszeifer 
>      Modified Date: 2014-05-12 00:06:11 
>      Status Changed: Closed 
>      Modified By: tszeifer 
>      Modified Date: 2014-05-12 00:06:11 
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