[Issues] Still problems with GAstrom in Munich

Johannes Koppenhöfer koppenh at mpe.mpg.de
Wed Nov 8 10:54:48 CET 2006

Hi all,

I am still trying to make the GAstrom work. The previous problem with AssociateList has been solved by Jan.
Now I face a new one running the GAstromTask, i.e. when running asctoldac (see below).
Interesting to note that running the command outside of AWE in a shell, there is no problem at all.

Could somebody please try and find out if this is again a local installation problem or if changes in the code need to be done?


awe> task = GAstromTask( red_filenames = best_list, commit = 1 )
awe> task.execute()
[apus] 10:47:05 - Querying database for instances of class ReducedScienceFrame...
[apus] 10:47:06 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd50-Red---Sci-54020.7280570.fits.slist, SLID =   136, number of sources =   739
[apus] 10:47:06 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd50-Red---Sci-54020.7530603.fits.slist, SLID =   137, number of sources =   641
[apus] 10:47:07 - Outer bounding box: (204.61949,-67.18804,204.27668,-67.18804,204.27858,-66.91980,204.61761,-66.91981 )
[apus] 10:47:07 - Copied 18591 sources to scratch table
[apus] 10:47:16 - Pairing query found 2135 pairs
[apus] 10:47:16 - Looking for closest pairs
[apus] 10:47:16 - After filtering 1788 pairs remain
[apus] 10:47:16 - Needed 1 loops to combine 1788 pairs into 1788 associations
SQL Command =
INSERT INTO "AWOPER"."AssociateList*associates" ("ALID", "AID", "SLID", "SID", "FLAG")
SELECT 22 "ALID", A1."AID" "AID", A1."SLID" "SLID", A1."SID" "SID", A2."NEWFLAG" "FLAG" FROM "AWOPER"."S_AT_0000000022" A1, (
        SELECT T1."AID", T1."SLID", DECODE(T1."SLID",5,1,136,2,137,4,0) "FLAG" FROM (
            SELECT T0."AID", T0."SLID" FROM "AWOPER"."S_AT_0000000022" T0 GROUP BY (T0."AID", T0."SLID")
        ) T1
     ) T2 GROUP BY (T2."AID")
) A2 WHERE A1."AID" = A2."AID"

[apus] 10:47:16 - Created Matched AssociateList with ALID = 22, name = GAS-OTSF-1ac-54047.4077211 and 1788 associates!
[apus] 10:47:17 - Running: asctoldac -i asctoldac.txt -o GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd50-Red---Sci-54020.7280570.fits.slist.out -c asctoldac.conf -t OBJECTS -b 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/current/DBRecipes/GAstrom.py", line 138, in execute
  File "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/current/DBRecipes/GAstrom.py", line 179, in make_global_astrometric_solution
  File "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/current/astro/main/GAstrometric.py", line 550, in make
  File "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/current/astro/main/GAstrometric.py", line 514, in make_global_astrom
  File "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/current/astro/main/GAstrometric.py", line 379, in _make_astrom_cats
  File "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/current/astro/main/GAstrometric.py", line 283, in _retrieve_astrom_cats
    LDAC.asctoldac(input, sl.name + '.out', config, 'OBJECTS', clargs='-b %d' % (channelnr))
  File "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/current/astro/external/LDAC.py", line 446, in asctoldac
    raise LDACError, 'asctoldac failed'
astro.external.LDAC.LDACError: asctoldac failed

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