[Issues] using external SourceLists

W.J. Vriend wjvriend at astro.rug.nl
Fri Nov 16 12:44:37 CET 2007

Hi Johannes,

In SourceList is a method to determine the bounding box from the 
coordinates of the sources. If you call this method before the 
make_sourcelist_from_catalog method the bounding box will be defined 
from the coordinates of the sources and SourceList will not try to 
determine the bounding box from wcs.

So the example code in the manual will become :

awe> sourcelist = SourceList()
awe> sourcelist.catalog = ’external.fits’
awe-> (sourcelist.llRA, sourcelist.llDEC, sourcelist.lrRA, 
sourcelist.lrDEC, sourcelist.urRA, sourcelist.urDEC, sourcelist.ulRA, 
sourcelist.ulDEC) = sourcelist.get_boundingbox_from_sources()
awe> sourcelist.make sourcelist from catalog()
awe> sourcelist.commit()

We will make this a bit more user friendly in the future. (Kor ?)


Willem-Jan Vriend

wjvriend at astro.rug.nl wrote:
> Hi Johannes,
> I've encountered this problem before and made a method to determine the
> bounding box from the coordinates of the sources. Tomorrow I'll check how
> to integrate this into the SourceList class.
> regards,
> Willem-Jan Vriend.
>> Hi all,
>> I also encountered this problem, I changed my code SourceList.py a little
>> bit --> I hardwired llRA, llDEC,....,urDEC, valid for my particular
>> external sourcelist, and added an argument whether to use the hardwire or
>> not.
>> Gert Sikkema
>>> Hi Johannes,
>>> Please note that Kor has days off today and tomorrow, so he probably
>>> won't answer before Monday.
>>> The WCS information is needed to derive the bounding box of the sources
>>> in the SourceList; for query purposes these attributes of SourceList:
>>> llRA                = persistent('Right Ascension of lower left
>>> containing box [deg]', float, 0.0)
>>> llDEC               = persistent('Declination of lower left containing
>>> box [deg]', float, 0.0)
>>> lrRA                = persistent('Right Ascension of lower right
>>> containingbox [deg]', float, 0.0)
>>> lrDEC               = persistent('Declination of lower right containing
>>> box[deg]', float, 0.0)
>>> ulRA                = persistent('Right Ascension of upper left
>>> containing box [deg]', float, 0.0)
>>> ulDEC               = persistent('Declination of upperer left containing
>>> box [deg]', float, 0.0)
>>> urRA                = persistent('Right Ascension of upper right
>>> containingbox [deg]', float, 0.0)
>>> urDEC               = persistent('Declination of upper right containing
>>> box[deg]', float, 0.0)
>>>  are set. To do this accurately apparently the projection is necessary.
>>> Ewout
>>> Johannes Koppenhoefer wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I tried to create a SourceList from an external LDAC/FITS catalog
>>>> following the instructions in the manual on page 183 and using the
>>>> AWBASE code.
>>>> It seems the method make_sourcelist_from_catalog() needs wcs
>>>> information. Why is that, since the list already has ALPHA_SKY and
>>>> Bye,
>>>> Johannes
>>>> awe> sl=SourceList()
>>>> awe> sl.catalog = 'variables.fits'
>>>> awe> sl.make_sourcelist_from_catalog()
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>>>>   File
>>>> "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/AWBASE/astro/main/SourceList.py",
>>>> line 766, in make_sourcelist_from_catalog
>>>>     make_sourcelist_from_catalog creates a SourceList from a catalog
>>>> created
>>>>   File
>>>> "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/AWBASE/astro/main/SourceList.py",
>>>> line 496, in set_coordinate_ranges
>>>>   File
>>>> "/usr/local/scipck/astrowise/opipe/AWBASE/astro/main/SourceList.py",
>>>> line 1981, in get_projection_from_cat
>>>>     cdelt1 = cdelt2 = crota2 = None
>>>> Exception: Not enough Coordinate System Information in header (CD,
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>>> Kapteyn Astronomical Institute	<><> Astro-WISE/OmegaCEN
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