[Issues] GAstromTask ERROR: [Errno 36] File name too long:

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Mon Oct 15 18:39:09 CEST 2007

Hi Philippe,

My mistake.  This is NOT an error with LDAC's filename length limit, but an 
error with the file system filename length limit.  The ext3 file system on 
my Linux system refuses to create a file with a filename length greater than 
255 characters!  Needless to say, a reevaluation of the GAsslist naming 
convention (or at least the residuals file naming convention) is warranted. 
I will let you know when things are fixed.



On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, John P. McFarland wrote:

> Hi Philippe,
> This is obviously a file length limit in the LDAC routines.  Whether it is
> best to modify that limit, or to shorten the filenames prior to calling the
> routines needs a little consideration, but the gasslist name should not be
> modified as it has its current form for other practical reasons.
> As a work-around for now, you can shorten the name prior to sending it to
> the LDAC routines by using a symbolic-link, for example:
> new_filename = '%s...%s' % (filename[:30], filename[-30:])
> os.system('ln -s %s %s' % (filename, new_filename)
> and making sure the new filename makes it to the appropriate places.
> Cheers,
> -=John
> On Fri, 21 Sep 2007, Philippe Heraudeau wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There is a similar problem in the name length running Gastrom:
>> dpu.run('GAstrom',object='DEEP3a*',instrument='WFI',filter='#844',C=1,chip='ccd50')
>> ; this represents 32 chips
>> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:23 - Deriving seeing for
>> Sci-PHERAUDEAU-WFI-------#844-ccd50-Red---Sci-54360.6679507-1832aa4908ada2ba311344b86863e20a26bb7872.fits
>> using tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3
>> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:23 - RUNNING: ldacfilter -i
>> tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3 -o
>> tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3.filt.cat -t OBJECTS -c "(Flag = 0)
>> AND (FLUX_RADIUS > 1.0498775364);"
>> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:23 - The seeing (FWHM) is   0.75
>> arcsec
>> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:23 - Obtaining astrometric
>> calibration from the global astrometric solution for
>> Sci-PHERAUDEAU-WFI-------#844-ccd50-Red---Sci-54360.6672057-429c0a89f68d6253015beed4407e80cf200a4ce7.fits...
>> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:25 - Deriving seeing for
>> Sci-PHERAUDEAU-WFI-------#844-ccd50-Red---Sci-54360.6672057-429c0a89f68d6253015beed4407e80cf200a4ce7.fits
>> using tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3
>> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:25 - RUNNING: ldacfilter -i
>> tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3 -o
>> tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3.filt.cat -t OBJECTS -c "(Flag = 0)
>> AND (FLUX_RADIUS > 1.04987769512);"
>> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:25 - The seeing (FWHM) is   0.75
>> arcsec
>> [foucault] 14:52:12 - Error executing 'execute'
>> [foucault] 14:52:12 - Exception:  [Errno 36] File name too long:
>> 'GAS-DEEP3a-FR-011;DEEP3a-FR-012;DEEP3a-FR-013;DEEP3a-FR-014;DEEP3a-FR-015;DEEP3a-FR-021;DEEP3a-FR-022;DEEP3a-FR-023;DEEP3a-FR-024;DEEP3a-FR-025;DEEP3a-FR-031;DEEP3a-FR-032;DEEP3a-FR-033;DEEP3a-FR-034;DEEP3a-FR-035;DEEP3a-FR-041;DEEP3a-FR-042;DEEP3a-FR-043;DEEP3a-FR-044;DEEP3a-FR-045;DEEP3a-FR-051;DEEP3a-FR-052;DEEP3a-FR-053;DEEP3a-FR-055;DEEP3a-FR-061;DEEP3a-FR-062;DEEP3a-FR-063;DEEP3a-FR-064;DEEP3a-FR-065-54364.5128483.residuals.fits'
>> It's easy to  make it shorter (in astro/main/GAstrometric.py   ,
>> set_gasslist_name) but what is the policy for those names?
>> Cheers,
>> Philippe
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