[Issues] GAstromTask ERROR: [Errno 36] File name too long:

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Mon Sep 24 09:54:18 CEST 2007

Hi Philippe,

This is obviously a file length limit in the LDAC routines.  Whether it is 
best to modify that limit, or to shorten the filenames prior to calling the 
routines needs a little consideration, but the gasslist name should not be 
modified as it has its current form for other practical reasons.

As a work-around for now, you can shorten the name prior to sending it to 
the LDAC routines by using a symbolic-link, for example:

new_filename = '%s...%s' % (filename[:30], filename[-30:])
os.system('ln -s %s %s' % (filename, new_filename)

and making sure the new filename makes it to the appropriate places.



On Fri, 21 Sep 2007, Philippe Heraudeau wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a similar problem in the name length running Gastrom:
> dpu.run('GAstrom',object='DEEP3a*',instrument='WFI',filter='#844',C=1,chip='ccd50')
> ; this represents 32 chips
> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:23 - Deriving seeing for
> Sci-PHERAUDEAU-WFI-------#844-ccd50-Red---Sci-54360.6679507-1832aa4908ada2ba311344b86863e20a26bb7872.fits
> using tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3
> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:23 - RUNNING: ldacfilter -i
> tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3 -o
> tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3.filt.cat -t OBJECTS -c "(Flag = 0)
> AND (FLUX_RADIUS > 1.0498775364);"
> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:23 - The seeing (FWHM) is   0.75
> arcsec
> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:23 - Obtaining astrometric
> calibration from the global astrometric solution for
> Sci-PHERAUDEAU-WFI-------#844-ccd50-Red---Sci-54360.6672057-429c0a89f68d6253015beed4407e80cf200a4ce7.fits...
> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:25 - Deriving seeing for
> Sci-PHERAUDEAU-WFI-------#844-ccd50-Red---Sci-54360.6672057-429c0a89f68d6253015beed4407e80cf200a4ce7.fits
> using tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3
> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:25 - RUNNING: ldacfilter -i
> tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3 -o
> tmp1190377109.546444.Dx5IIy.ccd1.cat3.filt.cat -t OBJECTS -c "(Flag = 0)
> AND (FLUX_RADIUS > 1.04987769512);"
> [foucault] 14:52:12 - [node199] 14:25:25 - The seeing (FWHM) is   0.75
> arcsec
> [foucault] 14:52:12 - Error executing 'execute'
> [foucault] 14:52:12 - Exception:  [Errno 36] File name too long:
> 'GAS-DEEP3a-FR-011;DEEP3a-FR-012;DEEP3a-FR-013;DEEP3a-FR-014;DEEP3a-FR-015;DEEP3a-FR-021;DEEP3a-FR-022;DEEP3a-FR-023;DEEP3a-FR-024;DEEP3a-FR-025;DEEP3a-FR-031;DEEP3a-FR-032;DEEP3a-FR-033;DEEP3a-FR-034;DEEP3a-FR-035;DEEP3a-FR-041;DEEP3a-FR-042;DEEP3a-FR-043;DEEP3a-FR-044;DEEP3a-FR-045;DEEP3a-FR-051;DEEP3a-FR-052;DEEP3a-FR-053;DEEP3a-FR-055;DEEP3a-FR-061;DEEP3a-FR-062;DEEP3a-FR-063;DEEP3a-FR-064;DEEP3a-FR-065-54364.5128483.residuals.fits'
> It's easy to  make it shorter (in astro/main/GAstrometric.py   ,
> set_gasslist_name) but what is the policy for those names?
> Cheers,
> Philippe

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