[Issues] Groningen services not accessible

Kor Begeman kor at begeman.info
Thu Nov 13 11:36:06 CET 2014


Due to an issue with one or more machines in the target network the Target
VPN has been shut down. We will inform you when the uplink is up again.


Danny & Kor

K. Begeman (thuis)
Wildervanck 31
9611 SH Sappemeer
The Netherlands
Telefoon: 0598-324433 (thuis), 0625344134 (mobiel), 050-3632454/4073 (werk)
e-Mail privé:  kor at begeman.eu, kor at begeman.net, kor at begeman.info,
kgbegeman at gmail.com, k.begeman at home.nl, kgb at debeeg.nl,
kgbegeman at speedymail.org
e-Mail werk: kgb at astro.rug.nl, k.begeman at rug.nl
WWW privé:  http://www.begeman.eu, http://www.begeman.info/,
http://www.begeman.net/, http://www.debeeg.nl/
WWW werk: http://www.astro.rug.nl/~kgb
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