[Issues] Astro-Wise database Type Evolution on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

D.R. Boxhoorn danny at astro.rug.nl
Thu Nov 27 14:42:47 CET 2014

Dear Astro-Wiser,

Please note that the Astro-Wise database and CVS will not be available on

    Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 - 10:00-18:00.

The database and related webservices will likely be available in read-only
mode, but any access to webservices or database can best be avoided
The Type Evolution concerns changes to classes related to CrossTalk,
GainLinearity, BackgroundFrame and GaussianizedFrame. The CVS server will
be relocated to new hardware.
All this means that you should update your CVS checkouts after database
access has been granted again.

Thank you for your attention,

Kor & Danny
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