[Issues] No dataservers and dpus

Kor Begeman kgb at astro.rug.nl
Fri Sep 30 08:55:12 CEST 2022

Dear Astro-Wisers,

>From Wednesday morning 5 October until Friday evening 7 October maintenance
will be performed on the power distribution systems at the DUO data center,
where the Peregrine cluster is located. Since also the power might be off
for the file system our AStro-Wise data resides on we will shut down the
data servers and dpus for the same period.

Kind regards,

Danny & Kor

Dr. K.G. Begeman
OmegaCEN/Kapteyn Astronomical Institute/University of Groningen
Postbus 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone:   +31-(0)50-3632454/4073
Telefax"       +31-(0)50-3636100
e-Mail:         kgb at astro.rug.nl, k.begeman at rug.nl, kgb at astro-wise.org
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