[KIDS] ccd Crosstalk

Konrad Kuijken kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Tue May 8 12:41:55 CEST 2012

Hi Lino,

to add to this discussion:

there will typically be various saturated sources on each ccd, and all we need to determine is the *median* offset those sources generate on other CCDs as ghosts. If there is a real source on the location of the ghost then those pixels will be medianed away in most cases.

In any case, the biggest concern from an astronomy point of view is not the ghosts of saturated sources - they clearly look like artefacts - but the ghosts of unsaturated sources: those look real! Correcting for those is essential, otherwise we might as well throw those CCDs away. The recipe that Ewout and I developed seems to do this very well.


On May 8, 2012, at 11:51, agrado wrote:

> Dear Ewout,
> There is something about crosstalk that it is not clear to me. Let suppose
> that on ccd95 you have a source at a certain position and on ccd96 you have
> another source at the same position. How will be corrected the crosstalk in
> this case?
> Thanks 
> Lino
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