[KIDS] INTDR2 catalog ingestion

Nicola R. Napolitano napolita at na.astro.it
Fri Nov 23 12:10:45 CET 2012

Hi Hugo,

I'm navigating within the catalogs. It works nice! Well done.

I'm looking at the todo list: what do you mean by intermediate catalogs?



On 11/23/12 11:58 AM, Hugo Buddelmeijer wrote:
> Hi Nicola et al.,
> This night I've done a first ingestion of all the 52 catalogs made 
> with KIDSCAT beta v1.0. They can be found by querying for SourceLists 
> with the name "INTDR2test_*", like:
>   awe> slsintdr2 = SourceList.name.like("INTDR2test_*")
>   awe> len(slsintdr2)
>   52
> Or through the dbviewer:
>   http://socuteurl.com/funnytumble
> They have 'test' in the name because they are simply a conversion from 
> the .cat files to AW SourceLists. No thorough assessment of the 
> catalogs are done yet. However, they seem okay, and we will start 
> using them here.
> What has not yet been done:
> - Ingesting the sexconf/sexparams (first thing to do)
> - Ingestion of the masks (the weights used are from AW right?)
> - Ingestion of the intermediate catalogs
> - Ingestion(/recreation) of QC plots
> What happened to the columns:
> - FLUX_APER and FLUXERR_APER are renamed to FLUX_APER_<aperturesize>
>   and FLUXERR_APER_<aperturesize>. So FLUX_APER_10 is the flux in a
>   10 arcsecond aperture.
> - The VIGNET columns have been removed.
> - Some columns are renamed according to the FITSCOLUMN_NAMES dictionary
>   in SourceList.py:
> http://www.astro-wise.org/viewvc/awe/astro/main/SourceList.py?annotate=1.228#l2788 
> - The HTM column is added.
> I will improve the catalog ingestion, starting with the sexconf, since 
> this will improve the data lineage and reproducebility. If there is 
> anything wrong, unclear or missing, please notify me!
> Greetings,
> Hugo
> P.S. I moved this discussion to kids at astro-wise.org, that way everyone 
> gets them. Contact Gijs if you're not on this list yet.
> On 21/11/12 10:48, Nicola R. Napolitano wrote:
>> I forgot to include Francesco in the mailing list....reply to this
>> message if needed.
>> Cheers,
>> Nicola
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> the catalogs for the 52 coadds selected for the INT-DR2 have been
>>> produced using KIDSCAT beta v1.0 and current products can be
>>> downloaded at the following link
>>> http://vstportal.oacn.inaf.it/KIDSCAT/KIDSCAT_INTDR2_52FIELDS/
>>> We have started to have a visual check to the catalogs in order to
>>> have a firs catalog QC before these are passed/ingested to AW for the
>>> QC of the coadds. In particular we are concentrating to the following
>>> checks:
>>> 1) look at the plot FWHM vs SNR in the PLOTS directory (Check that
>>> there is only one stellar sequence and that the spread is reasonably
>>> within a couple of pixels. Check that there are no weird features like
>>> clouds of points at low FWHM - e.g. satellite tracks?)
>>> 2) in the same directory there are now also the mag limit plots right
>>> implemented from Francesco (mag lim estimates are in
>>> OUTPUT_RES/MLIM.dat, see also Francesco's message);
>>> 3) look at a 2D X-Y plot of all sources versus the ones with col7
>>> (IMAFLAGS_ISO) <1 "bona fide" sources to see whether the distribution
>>> is uniform and cross-check with the fits image to see whether the
>>> major stars are correctly masked;
>>> 4) plot flux_radius (col9) vs mag_auto (col15) for an independent
>>> check of the stellar sequences;
>>> 5) report comments on the test above in a table with the following
>>> columns:
>>> #FIELD; BAND; FWHM vSNR; 2Dplot; 2Dflag0 plot; visual vs ds9;
>>> fluxRvsmag_A; extraComm
>>> I'll gather all you comments and I'll put in a table which will posted
>>> on the wiki
>>> http://wiki.astro-wise.org/projects:kids:data_deliveries:internaldelivery2.0_scratch#quality_check_of_the_52_catalog_for_int-dr2 
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nicola
>>> -- 
>>> Nicola R. Napolitano
>>> Research Astronomer
>>> INAF - Observatory of Capodimonte
>>> Salita Moiariello, 16, 80131, Napoli (Italy)
>>> phone: +39 081 5575509; fax: +39 081 456710
>>> email:napolita at na.astro.it <mailto:napolita at na.astro.it>
>>> web page:http://www.na.astro.it/~napolita 
>>> <http://www.na.astro.it/%7Enapolita>
>> -- 
>> Nicola R. Napolitano
>> Research Astronomer
>> INAF - Observatory of Capodimonte
>> Salita Moiariello, 16, 80131, Napoli (Italy)
>> phone: +39 081 5575509; fax: +39 081 456710
>> email:napolita at na.astro.it  <mailto:napolita at na.astro.it>
>> web page:http://www.na.astro.it/~napolita

Nicola R. Napolitano
Research Astronomer
INAF - Observatory of Capodimonte
Salita Moiariello, 16, 80131, Napoli (Italy)
phone: +39 081 5575509; fax: +39 081 456710
email: napolita at na.astro.it
web page: http://www.na.astro.it/~napolita

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