[KIDS] telecon at 14:30

Jelte de Jong jelte at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Tue Apr 16 10:37:57 CEST 2013

Dear all,

coming back to the deadlines we set ourselves last Friday, we should 
have all the manual masking done now.
Unfortunately a few are still missing, but hopefully they will be in 
place later this morning.

Next step is to make the final combined masks and the final sourcelists, 
with the deadline on Wednesday evening.
Please prepare for this, so that this can be started as soon as all the 
manual masking files are in place!


On 11/04/13 16:04, Jelte de Jong wrote:
> Dear all,
> the most important deadlines we decided on during the telecon:
> - 15 Apr: finish all manual masks
> - 17 Apr: finish all final (auto+manual) masks and final sourcelists
> are included in a new timetable that is now on the wiki:
> http://wiki.astro-wise.org/projects:kids:data_deliveries:kids-eso-dr1:workplan 
> Cheers,
> Jelte
> On 11/04/13 13:52, Jelte de Jong wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> at 14:30 we will have a special telecon to discuss the practical 
>> details of getting KiDS-ESO-DR1 ready in the coming ~2 weeks.
>> I suggest the following agenda, that contains the most important 
>> points still to be done. The points that should be quick are first, 
>> but I expect we will spend the major part of the telecon on the 
>> visual inspection and manual masking.
>> 1. Release notes
>> 2. DR1 submission
>> 3. Photometric calibration
>> 4. Final Coadd inspection
>> 5. Manual masking
>> 6. Mask + sourcelist inspection
>> Cheers,
>> Jelte

Dr. Jelte T. A. de Jong
KiDS project manager
Sterrewacht Leiden
Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
E: jelte at strw.leidenuniv.nl
T: +31-(0)715275818
W: jelte.jdejong.net

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