[KIDS] completeness/contamination

G. Sikkema sikkema at astro.rug.nl
Wed Feb 6 11:36:50 CET 2013

Hi Francesco,
thanks for producing the new plots and clarifying the meaning of the plots,

I tested the new satellite code on this r-band image: it seems that the 
satellite track is now detected and removed. We currently reprocessing 
this field (as well as the g and u band). This particular satellite is 
relatively narrow and bright. We are wondering how such plots look if a 
faint  (narrow or broad) non-detected satellite track is visible in the 

We should discuss the satellite detection issue probably this afternoon 
at the telecon.

And of course also the optimum set of parameters MIN_AREA and 
DETECT_THRESH which are directly related to completeness and spurious 


On 02/06/2013 10:12 AM, Francesco La Barbera wrote:
> Hi Gert,
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 4:54 PM, G. Sikkema <sikkema at astro.rug.nl 
> <mailto:sikkema at astro.rug.nl>> wrote:
>     hi Francesco,
>     thanks for the analysis report on completeness for field
>     KIDS_135_-1.5.
>     We are currently reprocessing the g,r,i tiles, to see if we can
>     remove the satellite tracks.
>     However, the new satellite code has problems removing very faint
>     satellite tracks (at ~2 times the nosie).
> OK, thanks for the update.
>     So in my opinion, it would be good to set the detection threshold
>     at least to 2 and min_area at 5.
>     Could you also send the source distribution plots (i.e.:
>     CONTAMINATION_xy_min3_thre2.0.jpg ) for the following configurations?:
>     min_area=5 & detect_thresh=2.5
>     min_area=5 & detect_thresh=2.0
>     min_area=3 & detect_thresh=2.5
>     And from what band was your source distrubtion plot derived?
> Pls, find attached here the requested plots. I included all four cases 
> (min_area=3 and threshold=2.0), as I redid
> the plots with a different color coding:
> black -> all contaminants in the selected region
> red     -> contaminants with S-Ex FLAGS=0
>  blue  -> contaminants with S-Ex FLAGS between 1 and 3 (i.e. deblended 
> sources, and/or objects contaminated by close neighbors)
> Also, all these plots refer to r band, as reported in the new filenames.
> Cheers,
> Francesco
>     GS
>     On 02/05/2013 12:51 PM, Francesco La Barbera wrote:
>>     Dear All,
>>     we performed a more detailed study of completeness/contamination
>>     of our KIDS catalogs by comparing
>>     KIDS vs. CFHT photometry in the field of KIDS_135_-1.5.
>>     Here it's the steps we followed:
>>     1) We downloaded the last version of the images, that   shouldn't
>>     be   affected
>>     by the satellite track issue we found in the previous version of
>>     the coadd's.
>>     1) We ran KIDSCAT on the r-band images, with 6 different setups,
>>     changing DETECTION_MINAREA
>>     and DETECTION_THRESHOLD in the S-Ex .configuration file. We
>>     considered:
>>     MINAREA: 3, 5
>>     THRESHOLD: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5
>>     Besides that, we also ran KIDSCAT on the g and i band images with
>>     MINAREA=3, and THRESHOLD=2.0, 2.5
>>     2) The catalogs were matched to the CFHT ones (pls ask Mario for
>>     details)
>>     3) The first attached plot, CFHT_KIDS_....._THRESHOLD.jpg,
>>     summarizes the completeness/contamination with different setups
>>     for the r-band coadd.
>>     Top and bottom panels correspond to MINAREA=3 and 5, respectively.
>>     For each panel, the solid curves plot the fraction of spurious
>>     sources (i.e. objects with no matching to CFHT)
>>     as a function of magnitude. We considered magnitudes in the same
>>     aperture of 5'' in both catalogs (KIDS and CFHT).
>>     Curves with different colors correspond to different
>>     DETECTION_THRESHOLDs as labeled.
>>     The completeness mags, for each THRESHOLD value (i.e. color), are
>>     marked with a vertical dashed line.
>>     (Here completeness is defined as the mag value where CFHT counts
>>     keep increasing, while KIDS counts remain constant/decrease).
>>     4) The second attached plot shows the spatial distribution of
>>     spurious sources in the area "previously" affected by the
>>     satellite track.
>>     5) We would conclude as follows:
>>      A) for THRESHOLD=1.5 contamination increases significantly, up
>>     to ~20-22% around the completeness mag
>>      B) completeness improves by ~0.15-0.2mag when moving from
>>     THRESHOLD 2.5 to 2.0, and by the same amount from 2.0 to 1.5.
>>      C) changing MINAREA to 5 we get slightly lower completeness
>>     (by~0.1-0.15mag), and slightly lower contamination (by a few percent)
>>      D) the satellite track issue is still there
>>     Depending on what is the maximum level of contamination we can
>>     allow in the catalogs, we think we might adopt either
>>     THRESHOLD=2.5 (current value)
>>     or THRESHOLD=2.0, as in the latter value we get slightly better
>>     completeness, at the price of a bit worst contamination.
>>     Notice that the contamination fractions are indeed upper limits
>>     (see our previous email on the subject), as there are many sources
>>     not present in the CFHT catalogs  because of (e.g.) deblending
>>     issues.
>>     Finally, the last attached plot,
>>     shows completeness and contamination
>>     for g band (upper panel) and i band (lower panel), both for
>>     MINAREA=3. Resuts are similar to those for r band.
>>     Eagerly waiting for your feedback, so that we can finalize the
>>     S-Ex configuration file.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Francesco, Nicola, Mario
>>     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>     -- 
>     dr. Gert Sikkema
>     Kapteyn Institute
>     Zernike Building, room 133
>     P.O. Box 800
>     9700 AV Groningen
>     sikkema at astro.rug.nl  <mailto:sikkema at astro.rug.nl>
>     homepage:http://www.astro.rug.nl/~sikkema  <http://www.astro.rug.nl/%7Esikkema>
>     31-50-3634548
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dr. Gert Sikkema

Kapteyn Institute
Zernike Building, room 133
P.O. Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
sikkema at astro.rug.nl
homepage: http://www.astro.rug.nl/~sikkema
MSN: add: cubensi at hotmail.com to your MSN

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