[KIDS] Fwd: Feedback on ticket PROP047584: question seeing monitor

Gert Sikkema sikkema at astro.rug.nl
Thu Feb 21 16:35:04 CET 2013

dear all,

in the reply-mail below, from archive at eso.org, you can find some some
additional information about how to get weather conditions from ESO in
tabular form:


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Feedback on ticket PROP047584: question seeing monitor
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 12:26:13 +0100 (CET)
From: ESO Operations Support Centre <usersupport at eso.org>
To: sikkema at astro.rug.nl

Feedback on your ticket PROP047584 has been provided, please see below.

You may reply to this message in case you need to provide further
about your request.
Your input will automatically be appended to the ticket.

Dear Gert,

I'd like to add some other options.

As Magda said you can use the ambient_paranal query form in a programmatic
using a URL of the form:


Please note the additional parameter: ascii_out_mode=1 to have it back in
format. You could also turn off the displaying of some columns (eg suppose
do not want tau in output) by setting the corresponding tab_tau=0.

Another option is to query the same ambient server you referred to, using
extra parameter, as in the following example:


Where the last letter could be any of these:
S for Seeing
T for Temperature
P for Pressure
H for Humidity
W for Wind speed
E for Extinction

Please note that in this case you will get the output in julian dates, in
descending order.

Please let us know if you have any question or suggestion for improvements.
Thanks a lot,

The details of your ticket are recalled here below:

Ticket ID           : PROP047584
Create Date         : 02/20/13 16:25:13
Email               : sikkema at astro.rug.nl
Status              : WIP
Subject             : question seeing monitor
Problem description :
   02/20/13 16:25:13     Remedy Application Service

        *hi, *

      I am part of the KiDS survey team, which observes, with VST,  1500
degree in four filters in a few years time. Due to the large scale of this
project, it would be very handy to get access to the weather conditions
data in
table format.

      at the seeing monitor website, "ESO Observatories Ambient Conditions
      Database" website at:


      you can see plots of the weather conditions for a particular night.
      Is it possible to get these in table format.
      If so, is it possible to get these in an automatized way?

      Gert Sikkema.
dr. Gert Sikkema
Kapteyn Institute Zernike Building, room 133,
P.O. Box 800 9700 AV Groningen
sikkema at astro.rug.nl
homepage: http://www.astro.rug.nl/~sikkema

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