[KIDS] Reminder: "special topic" KiDS Catalog telecon Wednesday Jan 30, 14:00

Giovanni Covone giovanni.covone at unina.it
Wed Jan 30 13:56:25 CET 2013

dear all,
 why don't we use Google hangout?


On 29 January 2013 10:06, Nicola R. Napolitano <napolita at na.astro.it> wrote:

> Dear KiDS production team,
> this is a reminder for the "special topic" Wednesday telecon on Catalogs.
> Here below the proposed agenda:
> 1) decide which version of masking software to use
> 2) KIDS-CAT parameters for single band and multi-band sourcelists
> 3) completeness test: KiDS vs CFHT
> 4) KIDS ESO-DR1 sourcelist production.
> Anybody interested is welcome. Contact details as usual (check below).
> Cheers,
> Nicola
> >      To call in please use one of the following phone numbers,
> >      depending on your location (to reduce your own phone costs):
> >      Netherlands: 0870-001909
> >      Italy: 848 390 166 (landline only!)
> >      Germany: 01803 001 177 (from landline) or 01570 248 8101 (from
> >      mobile phone)
> >      UK: 0844 4737373
> >      France: 0821 230 748
> >      After calling in you will be asked to enter a 6-digit PIN code.
> >      Enter the PIN code for our telecon: 150010.
> --
> Nicola R. Napolitano
> Research Astronomer
> INAF - Observatory of Capodimonte
> Salita Moiariello, 16, 80131, Napoli (Italy)
> phone: +39 081 5575509; fax: +39 081 456710
> email:napolita at na.astro.it
> web page:http://www.na.astro.it/~**napolita<http://www.na.astro.it/~napolita>


Giovanni Covone
Department of Physics
University of Naples "Federico II"

web   :    http://people.na.infn.it/~covone
office :  +39 081 676 813
cell    :  +39 339 86 36 858
fax     :  +39 081 676 346
skype :   gcovone
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