[News] Astro-Wise Architectural Design released

Edwin A. Valentijn valentyn at astro.rug.nl
Fri Jul 11 17:37:09 CEST 2003

Dear  AstroWiser, associates and  contacts

I am very pleased to announce that the AstroWise consortium has today 
released its Architectural Design Document, which was approved by the 
The document outlines the full AstroWise system and details critical 
components in development by the consortium.
First of all,  I would like to thank all our collaborators for their 
input, the  many meetings and programming work that went into this.

see our home-page http://www.astro-wise.org/
or check it out directly : http://www.astro-wise.org/Public/add-v1.0.pdf

Following the experience with prototypes which contained all essential 
new AstroWise components the Conceptual Design has now  propagated into 
a full mature design of which we are  pretty confident that it is within 
reach of  current AstroWise resources and timescales.
The AstroWise prototype system, using a parallel cluster at the RuG 
Rekencentrum, Oracle server,  File servers, Raid TeraByte Disk towers at 
the Kapteyn Institute saw "first virtual light" on 24 April  this year 
and is capable to process wide field imaging data from WFI at 2.2m and the 
INT (La Palma) using  AstroWise components. This provided an overall 
proof of concept.

Our project is well  on schedule but there is still a lot of 
implementation work to do (federating in ++ mode and Quality 
control/user interfaces).
Our experience is indeed that the implementation work goes rather fast, 
 perhaps a   reward of the extensive design work and choice of paradigms.

I also take the opportunity to mention that two new sites are being 
attached to the federation: the Sternwarte Bonn (Prof P. Schneider) and 
the Universite de Liege (Prof J. Surdej). They will,  as "satellite 
site" participate in the Research and Development of the system.

I wish you all a nice summer holiday period!

Best regards

Edwin Valentijn

Edwin A. Valentijn                         www.astro-wise.org
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute     tel   : +31 (0)50 3634011
P.O. Box 800                       mobile: +31 (0)6 48276416
NL-9700 AV Groningen               e-mail: valentyn at astro.rug.nl
The Netherlands                    www   : www.astro-wise.org/~valentyn 

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