[WP3] Re: AssociateList question

Jan Snigula snigula at usm.uni-muenchen.de
Tue Jan 27 15:36:47 CET 2004

Hello Kor,

I think that would be a viable solution to the problem, as I expect this
solution to be still faster than the repeated looping over the sourcelists
that would be needed to sort out the pairs matching over all the
sourcelists afterwards.



> Jan,
> I just had a look at the code and in principle your way to do this will
> NOT work. It will work for finding the singles inside the area but for
> finding pairs no area restriction us used since we only look for matches
> will will always be in the overlaping parts of two images. I will have
> to modify the queries for this which is of cource not a problem but will
> take somewhat longer than just a few minutes. What I am thinking of is
> to add an extra function to AssociateList so that you can limit the
> search area. You would do this then as follows:
> AL = AssociateList()
> AL.set_search_distance(2.0)
> AL.sourcelists.append(SL1)
> AL.sourcelists.append(SL2)
> AL.set_search_area(llRA,llDEC,lrRA,lrDEC,ulRA,ulDEC,urRA,urDEC)
> AL.make()
> The modified queries which take into account the search area might be
> mucht slower than the one I am using now, but experimenting with them
> might help.
> What do you think of this?
> Ciao,
> Kor.
> Jan Snigula wrote:
> > Hello Kor,
> >
> > I've got a short question about the behaviour of AssociateList. I need to
> > associate different sourcelists against on common "master" list. In
> > principle no problem, but the overlap areas might be different. So if I
> > calculate the overlapping area between all the fields (easy) and set the
> > coord ranges of the master list to these values, will AssociateList then
> > just use these values, and then associate only in the common overlap
> > region?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jan
> --
> Dr. K.G. Begeman
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