[WP3] Re: Sourcelists

Danny R. Boxhoorn danny at astro.rug.nl
Thu Jan 29 11:38:57 CET 2004

Hoi Jan,

What I do in such cases is to start the debugger and look at the
If this error is raised by a script you should run the script with

   awe -i <python script>

This will give you an awe prompt after the error.
Otherwise, if you get this error in an interactive awe session, you are
returned to the awe prompt automatically after the error.

>From the awe prompt do

   from pdb import pm; pm()

This will start the "post mortem" debugger.
In this case you want to do `up' in the debugger, followed by `list'
and you should see line 127 of DBOracle.py. If not you may have to
go `up' or `down' an appropriate number of times before you do.
Next type `print query'. This will show the query that fails.
Just send it so that we can have a look at it.



> I'm trying to implement the photred code in python and was trying out the
> SourceList interface. When trying to generate a sourcelist  I run across
> the following error:
> 12:31:09 - Running : ldacconv -i sex.cat -o ldac.cat -b 1 -c OMEGACAM -f
> 842
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>   File
> "/home/pegasus/snigula/work/AWPipeline/opipe/Experimental/SourceList.py",
> line 402, in make
>     self.make_sourcelist_from_catalog()
>   File
> "/home/pegasus/snigula/work/AWPipeline/opipe/Experimental/SourceList.py",
> line 277, in make_sourcelist_from_catalog
>     self.commit()
>   File
> "/home/pegasus/snigula/work/AWPipeline/opipe/astro/database/DBMain.py",
> line 124, in commit
>     DBObject.database.commit(self)
>   File
> "/home/pegasus/snigula/work/AWPipeline/opipe/astro/database/DBOracle.py",
> line 269, in commit
>     self.insert_or_update(other)
>   File
> "/home/pegasus/snigula/work/AWPipeline/opipe/astro/database/DBOracle.py",
> line 297, in insert_or_update
>     self.insert_into_database(other)
>    File
> "/home/pegasus/snigula/work/AWPipeline/opipe/astro/database/DBOracle.py",
> line 396, in insert_into_database
>     sub_type = register_objecttype(supertype, attributes)
>   File
> "/home/pegasus/snigula/work/AWPipeline/opipe/astro/database/DBOracle.py",
> line 127, in register_objecttype
>     cursor.execute(query)
>   File
> "/home/pegasus/snigula/work/AWPipeline/opipe/i686-pc-linux/lib/python2.2/site-packages/DCOracle2/DCOracle2.py",
> line 973, in execute
>     result = self._cursor.execute()
> dco2.DatabaseError: (6576, 'ORA-06576: not a valid function or procedure
> name')
> To me this looks like an inconsitency between python and the database,
> but as database I use a fresh test database.
> Any hints?
> Jan
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