[WP3] Re: Sourcelists

Kor G. Begeman kgb at astro.rug.nl
Thu Jan 29 12:11:23 CET 2004

Hi Jan,

It seems to me that you did not give permission to execute the AW_UTIL 
procedures. Did you run 'awe $PYTHONPATH/Toolbox/dbgrants.py'?


Jan Snigula wrote:
> Hello Danny,
> so here's the offending query:
> (Pdb) print query
> call
> "AWOPER".AW_UTIL.MAKESUBTYPE('SourceList$sources$','SourceList$sources$00001',
> 'FLUX_ISO','FLUX_RADIUS','Flag','Level','MAGERR_ISO','MAG_ISO','MaxVal',
> 'NPIX','SeqNr','XM2','Xpos','YM2','Ypos'),"AWOPER".CHR_LIST('DOUBLE PRECISION',
> Jan
> On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Danny R. Boxhoorn wrote:
>>Hoi Jan,
>>What I do in such cases is to start the debugger and look at the
>>If this error is raised by a script you should run the script with
>>   awe -i <python script>
>>This will give you an awe prompt after the error.
>>Otherwise, if you get this error in an interactive awe session, you are
>>returned to the awe prompt automatically after the error.
>>>From the awe prompt do
>>   from pdb import pm; pm()
>>This will start the "post mortem" debugger.
>>In this case you want to do `up' in the debugger, followed by `list'
>>and you should see line 127 of DBOracle.py. If not you may have to
>>go `up' or `down' an appropriate number of times before you do.
>>Next type `print query'. This will show the query that fails.
>>Just send it so that we can have a look at it.
>>                                                   Danny
>>>I'm trying to implement the photred code in python and was trying out the
>>>SourceList interface. When trying to generate a sourcelist  I run across
>>>the following error:
>>>12:31:09 - Running : ldacconv -i sex.cat -o ldac.cat -b 1 -c OMEGACAM -f
>>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>>>  File
>>>line 402, in make
>>>    self.make_sourcelist_from_catalog()
>>>  File
>>>line 277, in make_sourcelist_from_catalog
>>>    self.commit()
>>>  File
>>>line 124, in commit
>>>    DBObject.database.commit(self)
>>>  File
>>>line 269, in commit
>>>    self.insert_or_update(other)
>>>  File
>>>line 297, in insert_or_update
>>>    self.insert_into_database(other)
>>>   File
>>>line 396, in insert_into_database
>>>    sub_type = register_objecttype(supertype, attributes)
>>>  File
>>>line 127, in register_objecttype
>>>    cursor.execute(query)
>>>  File
>>>line 973, in execute
>>>    result = self._cursor.execute()
>>>dco2.DatabaseError: (6576, 'ORA-06576: not a valid function or procedure
>>>To me this looks like an inconsitency between python and the database,
>>>but as database I use a fresh test database.
>>>Any hints?
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Dr. K.G. Begeman
Kapteyn Institute
University of Groningen
Postbus 800                         NL-9700 AV Groningen
Landleven 12                        NL-9747 AD Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone                           +31-(0)50-3634059/4073
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e-Mail                              kgb at astro.rug.nl
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