[WP3] swarp problem

D.R. Boxhoorn danny at astro.rug.nl
Wed Jun 30 10:39:52 CEST 2004

Hoi Jan,

> (this might not be the right mailinglist, but someone might know a
> solution anyway)

We'll try to come up with some sort of bugtracking system.
Such a system should be easy to use, to install and to maintain, but I do
not know of a bugtracking system that satisfies all these requirements.
Suggestions are most welcome.

> I ran into a major problem with RegriddedFrame, make() fails at
> self.astrom = translator.translate_astrometric_keys(self)
> and in translate_astrometric_keys(self)
> chip_id = self.retrieve_id_from_header(frame, self.chip_id_keys)
> returns None, a quick look into the header of the offending file, it seems
> that swarp (2.10) nicely cleaned up the header and removed all ESO
> Is there a workaround for that problem?

Are you running things without the database?
In any case the RegriddedFrame should have all keywords properly set after
regridding. If this is not the case it should be fixed.


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