[WP3] Migration from DCOracle2 to cx_Oracle

D.R. Boxhoorn danny at astro.rug.nl
Fri Aug 19 13:19:07 CEST 2005

Dear WP3er,

We are using cx_Oracle here for the past two months and it's time for you
to do the same.
The plan is to discontinue the use of DCOracle2 and remove all reference
to it in the documentation and the code.
The main reason to stop using DCOracle2 is that it is no longer maintained.

You'll find cx_Oracle at


To ensure that cx_Oracle is used by the Astro-Wise Environment, put

   database_api           : cx_Oracle

in Environment.cfg section for your domain.
It's a good idea to move the installed DCOracle2, to minimise the chance
that it will accidentally be used.
Note that you might run into some problems if you're compiling cx_Oracle
with Oracle 10g and Python 2.4. This is because cx_Oracle will return
Python `datetime' instances which will lead to confusing problems in
combination with the `mx.DateTime' module.
My recommendation is to use Python 2.3 for the time being.

Please, tell me if you cannot make the transition to cx_Oracle, or as soon
as you're using it.
The sooner you respond, the sooner we can get rid of the references to DCOracle2.

Thank you for your cooperation,


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