[WP3] Installation Guide

Kor G. Begeman kgb at astro.rug.nl
Fri Dec 2 11:38:32 CET 2005


I've just committed a draft version of the Installation Guide. Please 
find it in the docs directory of the opipe checkout. You can create a 
pdf in the following way:

latex Installation.tex
dvipdf Installation

Feel free to modify and add to this document if needed.




Dr. K.G. Begeman
Kapteyn Institute
University of Groningen
Postbus 800                         NL-9700 AV Groningen
Landleven 12                        NL-9747 AD Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone                           +31-(0)50-3632454/4073
Telefax                             +31-(0)50-3636100
e-Mail                              kgb at astro.rug.nl
WWW                                 http://www.astro.rug.nl/~kgb

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