[WP3] new dataserver server

Kor G. Begeman kgb at astro.rug.nl
Thu May 14 08:50:27 CEST 2009


Yesterday I committed to cvs dataserver_server.py and 
dataserver_server_test.py. This new server code has new functionality 
which will only be used when the new client code (dataserver_client.py) 
will be committed. I will commit the new client code next monday (May 
18, 2009) so before next monday we should all do cvs update and restart 
the dataservers and test dataservers.



Dr. K.G. Begeman
Kapteyn Institute
University of Groningen
Postbus 800                         NL-9700 AV Groningen
Landleven 12                        NL-9747 AD Groningen
The Netherlands
Telephone                           +31-(0)50-3632454/4073
Telefax                             +31-(0)50-3636100
e-Mail                              kgb at astro.rug.nl
WWW                                 http://www.astro.rug.nl/~kgb

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