[WP3] OmegaCAM Preparation Schedule

D.R. Boxhoorn danny at astro.rug.nl
Fri Jan 7 14:21:40 CET 2011

Dear all,

In preparation for the commissioning of OmegaCAM that is going to take
place only a few months from now, we'd like to ensure that all nodes
are up-to-date. This concerns the awe software, the databases, the dataservers
and the dpu's.

The proposed deadlines for the preparation are as follows

Week 3   - Install Oracle 11gR2 and create an OmegaCAM database.
Week 3   - Install awe, including recent versions of external packages
           and modules, for current and AWBASE on machines that will
           be used for OmegaCAM, including dpu's.
Week 3   - Install dataservers and connect them as intended.
Week 3-6 - Synchronize databases.
Week 5   - Verify that connections are established and available.
Week 5   - Verify that dpu's are running and available.
Week 7   - Process OmegaCAM test data that is already available.

The deadlines end by the Thursday of the mentioned weeks. You may have
already performed some steps or have taken them much before the deadline.
In that case you can proceed with the next steps.

Please let us know if you have any comments on the above proposal and
make sure you are available during the coming weeks.

Thanks for your cooperation,

                                                  Kor & Danny

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