[WP3] The South Galactic Pole and LDAC

D.R. Boxhoorn danny at astro.rug.nl
Fri Oct 28 15:25:39 CEST 2011

Dear all,

During commissioning it was discovered that OmegaCAM exposures of the
South Galactic Pole were not be calibrated correctly astrometrically.
This has been fixed some time ago in LDAC, but you may not have this
fix in place. If you run `preastrom' and it reports a build date
before June 17, 2011 you'll have to update LDAC by doing

   cvs -d cvs.astro-wise.org:/cvsroot co install

   rm -rf ldac
   env AWEVERSION=current awe install/astro/awetomatic.py ldac | sh

   rm -rf ldac
   env AWEVERSION=AWBASE awe install/astro/awetomatic.py ldac | sh

If your `preastrom' is newer than June 17, 2011 and you see large
distortions or failures when regridding exposures near the pole you
may want to reinstall LDAC with AWEVERSION=current to see if that
solves the problems.



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