[Comm2011] Astrometry header items

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Thu Apr 14 15:02:13 CEST 2011

Hi Ewout,

I found in the headers for all OBJECT-type observations that the standard 
astrometry keywords indicate a pixel-based system with RA and DEC keywords 
added.  The keywords present and their values are as follows:

RA/DEC = telescope CRVAL1/2 values
CRVALn = 1.0
CDELTn = 1.0
CRPIXn = original values for each chip
CDm_n  = <missing>

The HeaderTranslatorOCAM adds to the headers of the RawScienceFrames the 
nominal values from the expected parameters:

CRVALn = telescope RA/DEC values from header
CRPIXn = original values for each chip
CDm_n  = from chip schematic diagram

These last ones should nominally be set properly at the telescope, 
particularly the CDm_n values as these indicate the possibly variable 
position of the rotator with respect to the sky.



On Wed, 13 Apr 2011, E. M. Helmich wrote:

> Hi Andrea,
> During OCAM1A Thomas Szeifert mentioned that he thought there was a document 
> describing which header items related to astrometry must be present. Did he 
> get back to you on this, and can you inform us which header items will be 
> present?
> Regards,
> Ewout
> -- 
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Drs. Ewout Helmich
> Kapteyn Astronomical Institute,
> Astro-WISE/OmegaCEN
> Landleven 12
> P.O.Box 800
> 9700 AV Groningen
> The Netherlands
> email: helmich at astro.rug.nl
> tel: +31(0)503634548
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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