[Comm2011] astrometric solution

Konrad Kuijken kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Sun Aug 7 12:10:21 CEST 2011

Hi again,

I made astrometric solution with constant plate scale, and regular grid CCD
positions (ie no rotations of ccds, no offsets with respect to a
rectangular grid). Only difference is the AG and IA CCDs, which may
deviate slightly from the grid. ADC and TLC have different plate

There also seemed to be a different pointing center with the ADC in: a non-neglegible 0.0055 degree offset in X=RA. Needs more investigation.

CRVAL1 and CRVAL2 correspond to the telescope position RA, DEC. RA---TAN and DEC--TAN projection.

Plate scales CD1_1=CD2_2:
 with ADC in:  0.00005974     (0.21506"/pix)
 with ACD out: 0.000059286111 (0.21343"/pix) - theoretical value.

The images I analysed were
with ADC:
and associated IA and AG full-frame images

without ADC:
and an associated AG full frame readout.

Note I got the IA CCD solution only from observations with ADC in. But there is no reason why the CRPIX's should change as a result of the ADC.

CRPIX values:

#    ext   CRPIX1    CRPIX2
 65   1   8576    8563
 66   2   6438    8563
 67   3   4296    8563
 68   4   2154    8563
 69  17     14    8563
 70  18  -2125    8563
 71  19  -4268    8563
 72  20  -6408    8563
 73   5   8576    4104
 74   6   6438    4104
 75   7   4296    4104
 76   8   2154    4104
 77  21     14    4104
 78  22  -2125    4104
 79  23  -4268    4104
 80  24  -6408    4104
 81   9   8576      61
 82  10   6438      61
 83  11   4296      61
 84  12   2154      61
 85  25     14      61
 86  26  -2125      61
 87  27  -4268      61
 88  28  -6408      61
 89  13   8576   -4400
 902154   6438   -4400
 91  15   4296   -4400
 92  16   2154   -4400
 93  29     14   -4400
 94  30  -2125   -4400
 95  31  -4268   -4400
 96  32  -6408   -4400
 97 AG1  11825    4100
 98 AG2  -9754     -35
 99 IA1  -9774    4120
100 IA2  11805     -35


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