[Comm2011] Data transfer stopped?

Ivan Aranda (DHA) iaranda at eso.org
Tue Aug 9 16:59:59 CEST 2011

Dear All,

    we checked EVALSO transference logs in wocdhs and seems that all 
files taken have been transferred. Anyway, i killed EVALSO dhsSubscriber 
processes in wocdhs and restarted them. May you please verify whether 
files are being transferred or not ?


smieske wrote:

>Dear Ivan,
>there may be a problem with EVALSO LIGHT, see the below email by Ewout
>Helmich from Groningen. Could you check whether all the connections are up
>and running?
>Diskspace on wocoff is enought, but shouldn't matter anyway, since wocoff
>is the end-station of the transfer.
>Thanks a lot and cheers,
>On Tue, 09 Aug 2011 10:37:47 +0200, "Ewout M. Helmich"
><helmich at astro.rug.nl> wrote:
>>Hi guys,
>>It looks on our end like the data transfer has stopped. The last image 
>>that I see on the ESO FTP server dta-srv.hq.eso.org is:
>>-rw-r--r--    1 8004       vlt         185760000 Aug  7 23:04 
>>I assume you have more recent files on "wocoff"; can you check the disk 
>>space there ("df -h") and otherwise contact the Data Handling group to 
>>check the Evalso-light connection?
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