[Comm2011] Data transfer stopped?

Stefano Zampieri szampier at eso.org
Wed Aug 10 09:55:06 CEST 2011

Dear Ewout,
  the problem was a disk full on the FTP server (dta-srv).
  Now I've cleaned it and the data transfer is now working
  again - there are about 400 pending files to be transferred.

  Sorry for the inconvenience.

  @DHA: to investigate possible evalso-light problems:
on evalso_2
/data/evalso/processing: contains the files to be transferred.
Files are deleted after successful transfer therefore this
directory should contain only a few files if everything goes well.
In this case there were more than 400 files in this directory.

/data/evalso/log: contains the evalso-light log files, in
particular evalsoTransfer.<date>
Transfer errors can be found by searching the string "status=1"
in the evalsoTransfer log files. A file is not deleted if the
transfer was unsuccessful therefore the transfer script will try
again to transfer it.

As user archeso you can also ssh to dta-srv and check the
available disk space. On dta-srv the data are stored under:
To clean up some space you can just delete data older than a week or so.

Best Regards

On 10/08/2011 08:41, Ewout M. Helmich wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm replying to Stefano Zampieri; the only one I know at ESO to work on
> this.
> Stefano the data transer for Evalso-light has stopped; on the ESO FTP
> server dta-srv.hq.eso.org the last file I see is from several days ago
> now. Ivan Aranda says on the Paranal side things are up and running, so
> it seems the issue is at ESO. Can you look into this?
> Regards,
> Ewout
> On 08/10/2011 07:06 AM, Steffen Mieske wrote:
>> Hi,
>> according to Konrad Kuijken, the ftp server in Garching does still not
>> have new data, the last file dating from the afternoon of August 7.
>> Can we get in contact with the people in Garching in charge?
>> Thanks and best regards,
>> Steffen
>> On 08/09/11 12:16, Ivan Aranda (DHA) wrote:
>>> Dear Ewout,
>>> I logged in to evalso_2 workstation and checked data directory and
>>> log files and everything seem to be working fine.
>>> Log files in directory : /data/evalso/log
>>> Data files in directory : /data/evalso/processing
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ivan.
>>> Ewout M. Helmich wrote:
>>>> I still do not see new files on the ESO FTP server. Perhaps they
>>>> have a problem in Garching?
>>>> Ewout
>>>> On 08/09/2011 05:12 PM, Ivan Aranda (DHA) wrote:
>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>> me again... this message is just to clarify that last night our
>>>>> network link was intermittent and this seems to be reason why
>>>>> OMEGACAM file ftping to destination server failed or was
>>>>> interrupted. Now i'm monitoring ftping and seems to be working
>>>>> fine. Any comments ?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ivan.
>>>>> Ivan Aranda (DHA) wrote:
>>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>>> we checked EVALSO transference logs in wocdhs and seems that all
>>>>>> files taken have been transferred. Anyway, i killed EVALSO
>>>>>> dhsSubscriber processes in wocdhs and restarted them. May you
>>>>>> please verify whether files are being transferred or not ?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ivan.
>>>>>> smieske wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Ivan,
>>>>>>> there may be a problem with EVALSO LIGHT, see the below email by Ewout
>>>>>>> Helmich from Groningen. Could you check whether all the connections are up
>>>>>>> and running?
>>>>>>> Diskspace on wocoff is enought, but shouldn't matter anyway, since wocoff
>>>>>>> is the end-station of the transfer.
>>>>>>> Thanks a lot and cheers,
>>>>>>> Steffen
>>>>>>> On Tue, 09 Aug 2011 10:37:47+0200,"Ewout M. Helmich"
>>>>>>> <helmich at astro.rug.nl>  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>>> It looks on our end like the data transfer has stopped. The last image
>>>>>>>> that I see on the ESO FTP server dta-srv.hq.eso.org is:
>>>>>>>> -rw-r--r--    1 8004       vlt         185760000 Aug  7 23:04
>>>>>>>> OMEGA.2011-08-07T23:02:11.947.fits.fz
>>>>>>>> I assume you have more recent files on"wocoff"; can you check the disk
>>>>>>>> space there ("df -h") and otherwise contact the Data Handling group to
>>>>>>>> check the Evalso-light connection?
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Ewout
>> --
>> Dr. Steffen Mieske
>> European Southern Observatory
>> Alonso de Cordova 3107
>> Vitacura, Santiago
>> Tel.:+56 2 463 3118
>> Fax:+56 2 463 3001

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