[Comm2011] Evalso-light

E. Helmich e.m.helmich at astro.rug.nl
Tue Mar 29 12:59:47 CEST 2011

Okay, thanks Thomas,

FYI, I'm in Santiago now, as are essentially the entire OmegaCAM
technical team. We're going back up on the 24th. We hope for first
images (bias, flats) on the 25th.


On 03/21/2011 11:50 AM, Thomas Szeifert wrote:
> Dear Ewout,
> there is - to my knowledge a data subscriber process running which 
> transfers
> all files taken from Omegacam.
> Ivan Aranda (par-dataflow) was looking into this in Chile, Stefano in 
> Germany.
> Cecilia is off-turno.
> phone contact in General:
> DHS Console Left     5371
> DHS Console Right     5372
> cheers,
> Thomas
> Ewout M. Helmich wrote:
>> Dear Stefano and Cecilia,
>> Can you explain to me the procedure I am to follow to transfer data 
>> from Paranal to Garching using Evalso-light? I can log in to the 
>> OmegaCAM offline workstation (astro at wocoff) on Paranal, but I don't 
>> have the proper login info for the Data Handling Server (wocdhs) or 
>> the Pipeline workstation (woccpl). It looks like the intended user is 
>> archeso at wocdhs. Besides that, I don't know in which directory to 
>> place FITS files on wocdhs. I understand that you Stefano initiate 
>> the transfer from Garching; it is not started on the Paranal side, 
>> correct?
>> Regards,
>> Ewout

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