[Comm2011] Evalso-light

Gijs Verdoes Kleijn verdoes at astro.rug.nl
Tue Mar 29 12:58:39 CEST 2011

Dear Stefano and Cecilia,

Can you explain to me the procedure I am to follow to transfer data from
Paranal to Garching using Evalso-light? I can log in to the OmegaCAM
offline workstation (astro at wocoff) on Paranal, but I don't have the
proper login info for the Data Handling Server (wocdhs) or the Pipeline
workstation (woccpl). It looks like the intended user is archeso at wocdhs.
Besides that, I don't know in which directory to place FITS files on
wocdhs. I understand that you Stefano initiate the transfer from
Garching; it is not started on the Paranal side, correct?


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