[Comm2011] Filters and MIDAS procedure

E. Helmich e.m.helmich at astro.rug.nl
Tue Mar 29 15:40:53 CEST 2011

Oh, something else about Tilt:

Koen quickly realised that we missed something important: 1 millimeter
shift by the M2 does NOT equal 1 millimeter shift at/of the focal plane.
Koen and Pietro determined that there is a factor of almost exactly 10 in
between (1mm M2 = 10mm focal plane).

Another factor is the M2 step size. We've used several values: 0.02mm,
0.01mm, and 0.005mm, but they are not stored in the header. The focus image
I've analysed is

this morning I'll do

They were only observed last night, so I'm not sure they've arrived in
Garching yet. For Focus sequences of night 086, well I wouldn't use them
(though they can be used to confirm/deny the qualitative statement that
we're dealing with more complicated effects than a plane). Some of them
have best focus outside the range, because we used 0.005mm steps, other
issues as well.


On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 13:10:51 +0200 (CEST), "John P. McFarland"
<mcfarland at astro.rug.nl> wrote:
> Hi Ewout,
> I hope all is continuing to go well.  I have gone through the data to get
> the specifics of the filters into the system.  I have settled on some
> names
> and taken the specs from the PAE document VST-TRE-OCM-23100-3153.  It is
> from April 2004, but it is the newest one I can find.  If you know of a
> newer one or can find out about a newer one, please let me know.  It is
> not
> urgent as I can redefine the filters at any time, but certainly desirable
> to
> have the correct info on the first go.  Here are the specs I have:
> FILT1 ID ->  AW name              CWL
> ---------------------------------------
> 'PS1'    -> 'OCAM_z_SDSS'        9100.0
> 'PS2'    -> 'OCAM_g_SDSS'        4775.0
> 'PS3'    -> 'OCAM_i_SDSS'        7630.0
> 'PS4'    -> 'OCAM_r_SDSS'        6230.0
> 'PS7'    -> 'OCAM_u_SDSS'        3550.0
> 'PS9'    -> 'OCAM_B_JOHN'        4562.5, # taken from WFI #842
> 'PS10'   -> 'OCAM_V_JOHN'        5395.6, # taken from WFI #843
> 'calib'  -> 'OCAM_u_g_r_i_SDSS'  3000.0
> I have taken the header item 'HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 ID' instead of
> 'HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NAME' as it is supposed to be unique.  I could
> take
> the other one, but I expect conflicts there.  Please let me know if you
> see
> any issues with this listing.  Thanks.
> Also, can you give me the location of your MIDAS procedure and a brief
> run-down of the MIDAS commands (e.g., image/load, etc.) I need to use it
> on
> the focus data.  I would like to replicate your results on the tilt as
> soon
> as possible.  Thanks.
> Cheers,
> -=John

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