[Comm2011] Fwd: Re: emc tests

E. Helmich e.m.helmich at astro.rug.nl
Tue Mar 29 15:55:13 CEST 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: emc tests
Date: 	Wed, 23 Mar 2011 02:09:13 +0100 (MET)
From: 	Muschielok Bernard <mbernard at usm.lmu.de>
To: 	Ueli Weilenmann <uweilenm at eso.org>
CC: 	Dietrich Baade <dbaade at eso.org>, Arno van Kesteren 
<avkester at eso.org>, "Sergio D'Orsi" <dorsis at oacn.inaf.it>, Roberto Tamai 
<rtamai at eso.org>, Christian Lucuix <clucuix at eso.org>, Ricardo Parra 
<rparra at eso.org>, Pietro Schipani <pietro.schipani at oacn.inaf.it>, VST 
<par-vst at eso.org>, Olaf Iwert <oiwert at eso.org>, Konrad Kuijken 
<kuijken at strw.leidenuniv.nl>, Ewout Helmich <helmich at astro.rug.nl>, 
Andrea Baruffolo <Andrea.Baruffolo at oapd.inaf.it>, "Edwin A. Valentijn" 
<valentyn at astro.rug.nl>

Dear Ueli:

My main worry is that suddenly the EMC became higher priority than 
preparation of the instrument for observations (on last Saturday our 
common understanding was different). I am afraid that several people will 
wait one additional day until we will be ready with the technical things. 
There is a risk that we will be not able to determine the tilt between 
detector and telescope within the available time of OCM1A. This in 
consequence means that your strong deadline 30th of June will be not 
reachable. I am open for any reasonable proposals.

Kind regards, Bernard

On Tue, 22 Mar 2011, Ueli Weilenmann wrote:

> Dear Bernard,
> I'm sorry, but we have to re-plan.
> Otherwise these EMC tests will not be feasible within the commissioning time 
> of the VST until June 2011. According to what I hear from Garching and Arno, 
> he has also scheduled for other work here at Paranal.
> If the shift of the commissioning activities produces problems in terms of 
> your and your team's travel plans, ESO will assume potential costs that this 
> may produce.
> I sincerely hope that we find a feasible solution.
> Best regards,
> Ueli.
> On 22 Mar 2011, at 10:42, Muschielok Bernard wrote:
>> Dear Dietrich, dear Arno:
>> On Mon, 21 Mar 2011, Dietrich Baade wrote:
>>> Dear Arno,
>>> As far as I can see, you have no reply yet.
>>> Although, being far away and on top of that on leave, my view of things
>>> is fairly limited, let me still try to give you some further arguments.
>>> The main one that I see is that we have a delay of up to 3 days on the
>>> part of OmegaCAM.  Part of this can be recovered because Pietro kindly
>>> agreed to let OmegaCAM take over one day earlier than planned.  The
>>> rest we will try to recover by hard work and re-shuffling of assignments.
>> Because of this delay we are forced to cancel some tasks which are not 
>> directly related to the primary goals of this commissioning run - getting 
>> images with VST/OmegaCAM and determination of the tilt between the 
>> telescope focal plane and detector plane. Only if these goals we will be 
>> reached we have still a realistic chance to finalise all commissioning 
>> tasks within the allowed time (until end of June / very strong deadline). 
>> Unfortunately the EMC tests do not belong the tasks which are directly 
>> related to these primary goals. In addition they are scheduled for time 
>> which falls now into period when we will be intensively working on 
>> preparation of the instrument for taking images. Shifting them by few days 
>> is also not possible because than we will be busy with the tilt stuff.
>> Whan we have discussed these problems with Ueli he told us that you are 
>> coming more frequenntly to Chile because of ALMA antenas. I hope that a 
>> suitable date can be found to perform the EMC tests.
>> I apologise very much that the delay has occured. We wanted to catch it by 
>> additional work but we got a conflict with the "maximum 14 days on Paranal 
>> rule" for detector people.
>> Kind regards, Bernard
>>> Since we _may_ get back to the plan and you are in Chile anyway, it may
>>> make sense that you still do come to Paranal.  However, your work would
>>> have low priority until we can be sure that we can back to schedule.
>>> I realize that this is very unpleasant for you.  But the alternative could 
>>> be
>>> that the delay affects the work of many people whereas the EMC work
>>> would mainly hit one person only.  Globally, this would still be the 
>>> lesser
>>> evil (however, I agree: an evil).
>>> Please note that I'm not in a position to make any decision.  I'm just
>>> stating my own opinion to prompt others, who are presently closer to the
>>> stage, to pitch in their views.
>>> Best regards and sorry for the unwelcome news,
>>> Dietrich.
>>> On 3/20/2011 11:59 PM, Arno van Kesteren wrote:
>>>> Dear Ueli,
>>>> this late cancellation actually doesn't make me too happy.
>>>> I do not understand why with a delay of 2 days the whole test has to be 
>>>> cancelled.
>>>> Can't Omegacam postpone some activities that were planned 2 days before 
>>>> my tests ?
>>>> Without any Chilean activities scheduled for the next half year this 
>>>> postponement will mean ESO will have to bear the costs of a full Chilean 
>>>> business trip for just one day of tests.
>>>> There was also some other work at Paranal I was going to do (e.g. VST 
>>>> continuation of EMC tests due to high radiated emission, is this also to 
>>>> be postponed) ?
>>>> I strongly urge the Omegacam consortium to reconsider this postponement 
>>>> and try to squeeze me into the current schedule (after all, if everything 
>>>> goes right we could do the tests well within a day when I prepare 
>>>> everything in advance).
>>>> Hoping for a quick answer,
>>>> Arno van Kesteren
>>>> On 3/19/2011 3:16 PM, Ueli Weilenmann wrote:
>>>>> Dear Arno,
>>>>> The OmegaCAM team has accrued two days of delay with respect to the 
>>>>> plan. They propose now to cancel the EMC tests for next weekend and 
>>>>> re-schedule this activity to a next slot when you would be available 
>>>>> here in Chile. This could be either in April or May, whatever suits you, 
>>>>> INAF and OmegaCAM best
>>>>> Could you please comment and propose a new date?
>>>>> Many thanks, and sorry for the late notice.
>>>>> Best regards, Ueli.
>>>>> On 18 Mar 2011, at 13:12, Pietro Schipani wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Arno,
>>>>>> I am going to leave on Sunday; so far the news from Paranal are that 
>>>>>> they have some ideas on the possible source of the noise, apparently it 
>>>>>> would not be in the CAN Bus, but this has to be better clarified of 
>>>>>> course.
>>>>>> See you soon
>>>>>> Pietro
>>>>>> Arno van Kesteren ha scritto:
>>>>>>> Dear Pietro,
>>>>>>> I would recommend that before we meet next week at Paranal, in case 
>>>>>>> you have some time left, it is investigated whether shields have been 
>>>>>>> properly terminated at both ends, especially CAN bus lines.
>>>>>>> And, in case not, please try to improve this by attaching the shield 
>>>>>>> to the cabinet at both ends (through a connector in most cases) as 
>>>>>>> described in the test report I made.
>>>>>>> I had a similar case at ALMA where particularly excessive 
>>>>>>> electromagnetic emission within the 500 - 1000 MHz was due to improper 
>>>>>>> CAN bus shielding.
>>>>>>> Wish you all the best with ongoing activities and see you at the end 
>>>>>>> of next week,
>>>>>>> Arno
>>>>>>> On 3/7/2011 7:49 PM, Pietro Schipani wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Arno,
>>>>>>>> thanks a lot for your report!
>>>>>>>> I had just a quick look for the moment (I took two days off with my
>>>>>>>> family, so now I am working in a hotel in a hidden place), so far I 
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> just a comment: the origin of the "mouse pointer" motion in Verona 
>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>> clearly the rotator motors when they were online (they initially
>>>>>>>> disturbed a lot all the stepper motors, so we revolutioned the
>>>>>>>> electrical cabinet as you certainly remember), but apparently during
>>>>>>>> your tests they (fig.17) have produced no strange effect.
>>>>>>>> We have to think about the possible noise source. Next time we will 
>>>>>>>> meet
>>>>>>>> in Paranal: I will arrive on March, 21. Indeed on March 25 we have
>>>>>>>> planned some preparatory work to the first VST+OmegaCAM observation
>>>>>>>> nights, so unless we finish before, I would prefer to test EMC again 
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> 26-27.
>>>>>>>> Best regards, see you in Paranal
>>>>>>>> Pietro
>>>>>>>> Arno van Kesteren ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Pietro and Ueli,
>>>>>>>>> Here the report on my EMC tests and safety inspection I made a month
>>>>>>>>> ago for your review.
>>>>>>>>> As you may see there are some items still to be dealt with.
>>>>>>>>> One important issue is to find the noise source of radiated 
>>>>>>>>> emission,
>>>>>>>>> we unfortunately didn't have the resources to go into further detail
>>>>>>>>> last time. I have some ideas but maybe you could add some thoughts 
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> it Pietro.
>>>>>>>>> I will return to Paranal on 25 March and will have that afternoon 
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> the 27th available for possible retest/inspections (on the 26th I 
>>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>>> Omegacam, could possible also in parallel make some tests in the VST
>>>>>>>>> Telescope if needed).
>>>>>>>>> Let me know, wish you success with the ongoing activities.
>>>>>>>>> Greetings, Arno van Kesteren
>>>>>>>>> P.S. please distribute further if needed
>>>>>>>>> On 1/31/2011 1:27 PM, Pietro Schipani wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Arno,
>>>>>>>>>> Sergio told me you had yesterday your test session... was 
>>>>>>>>>> everything ok?
>>>>>>>>>> Will you send us your results?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your work, I am just sorry I didn't meet you in
>>>>>>>>>> Paranal. See you next time (not for VST hopefully!).
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>> Pietro
>>> -- 
>>> Dietrich Baade
>>> ESO - European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern 
>>> Hemisphere
>>> Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2,  85748 Garching bei Muenchen,  Germany
>>> Email: dbaade at eso.org    Tel: +49 89 3200-6388    Fax: +49 89 3202362

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